Summertime is great. People are more relaxed, everyone is outside being active, sunsets are amazing, people are fast to organize barbecues and beach days, and overall everyone is happy. Furthermore, people really love delicious summer treats and place their desserts in a Smiths City fridge which can easily cool them down.
Here are fast and light summer dessert ideas for cooling down.
Ice Cream
When it comes to summer treats no dessert wins over ice cream. Not only is ice cream delicious and comes in many flavors, but it’s also a delicious refreshing product for hot summer days. If you are lactose intolerant, then you should think about frozen dessert, as they are a great way to enjoy the famous rich ice cream texture, while still having that fluffy taste.
Raspberry and Pistachio Semifreddo
If you love to experiment with food, you should try the raspberry and pistachio semifreddo. If you don’t want to eat summer treats packed with gluten, this is a great dessert for gluten-sensitive groups as it’s gluten-free. Raspberry and pistachio should be mixed with sour cream, some honey, fresh lemon juice, and fresh mint leaves, and voila! You will have a great summer treat to cool you down in no time.
Frozen Greek Vanilla Yogurt
If you care about your gut well-being, you should consume yogurt on a regular basis. If you want to continue eating/drinking yogurt during the hot days, you should reach for the greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is in general great to mix with fruits and use to create light desserts.
We suggest you mix plain greek yogurt with sugar, lemon juice, unflavored gelatin, cold water, and vanilla extract – let it stay in the fridge for 2 to 4 hours and you will have a great summer treat.
You don’t want to wait for hours to get your summer treat with greek yogurt? Just mix greek yogurt with seasonal fruit and enjoy!
Don’t Forget About The Drinks
One of the best ways to cool down during hot days is to stay hydrated. This means that you should avoid heavily sugary drinks, and focus on proper water intake. Next to water, you should enjoy refreshing lemonade or ginger and cucumber water that will keep you refreshed with an original taste. Nothing beats the heat better than a tall glass of homemade iced tea. Don’t forget that one of the best summer retreats is watermelon.
In fact, watermelon is a fruit with a huge amount of water, so consuming it regularly will help you cool down. However, be careful with the amount as watermelon contains sugar – consume reasonably.
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