I love to make lists. And before I go grocery shopping, I make sure to sit down and plan out each meal. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, I like to know exactly what I’m buying.
I usually sit down with my notebook and pen and write down everything I have to buy. This last grocery trip, I decided to try and see if there were any apps available on my Motorola Xoom.
Instead of carrying a pen and paper to the grocery store and marking off everything I buy (which is time consuming and clumsy to me) I envisioned an app on my Xoom where I could simply press the item and it disappeared.
I downloaded a few apps and played with before I wrote out my list. Before long, I found one that I loved!
The app is called OI Shopping List and it’s available on all Android Devices.
I can have multiple lists, use different themes and even keep track of prices.
I decided to type up my list on the Xoom and bring it to the grocery store. I love how it fit perfectly in the cart!
Check out my list! It’s so easy to read. You can adjust the font size also.
Once I had picked up that item, all I had to do was tap it and it crossed off!
I am loving this app! It will great for making packing lists, daily to do lists and more!
How do you prepare your grocery lists?
Disclosure: I am receiving a Motorola Xoom to review as part of my participation in the Verizon Wireless Midwest Moms Program. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Delaney says
Great idea! I use the colornote app on my droid phone!
Sadie says
So neat! I love it!
Becky Willis says
Well that is a neat idea. I always feel clumsy with my pen, paper and checkbook as my ‘desk’.
Janice says
Super idea!
Maureen @ Wisconsin Mommy says
Checking the items off the Xoom kept my 7 yr old occupied enough that he didn’t whine about shopping OR try to add anything to the cart. Xoom FTW!!!!
Wendy says
LOVE IT! Can I be a midwest mom if I’m in AZ! LOL…just kidding. I wonder if there is something like this for the iPad?!?!?