Style and me? They just don’t mix. I’m not sure that they have never mixed. I always seemed to be just a little behind the trends. The summer before high school my Grandmother brought me shopping to pick out new clothes. I picked out about 3 different sweater vests. And wore them to school. Sweater vests, people. I actually wore it for my Freshman picture. And no, I’m not sharing. I won’t subject you to that!
So when I found out that Moms Fashion File were going to give away a Style Session at BlogHer this year, I knew I had to submit a post about my desperation.
I’m lucky if I get out of my pajamas/workout pants during the day. And yeah, I don’t work out on a regular basis. Most days my toddler and I don’t go anywhere, so I think, why dress up? But I need to! I know it will make me feel like more of a person again.
I don’t wear makeup. I’m not even sure if I can. I just found out that I have rosacea. My skin is also always very dry so even with a massive amount of moisturizer the makeup on my face looks like it is peeling. An attractive picture, huh? When I recently was on television I can’t even begin to tell you how much the makeup artist commented on my skin! :-0
My hair? I mostly keep it back in a ponytail. I tell my husband and myself it’s because I have a toddler and I don’t want it getting yanked on. But truthfully? I just don’t know what to do with it. Every time I go to get it cut or styled I tell the hair dresser that my hair just hangs there. That I want life and volume to my hair. And they always tell me they understand. But it just never works out. So I end up visiting a different hair stylist every month in the hopes that I’ll find one that I’ll fall in love with.
So here’s a picture of my normal style. Jeans, shirt, cardigan. How much more Mom can you get?
Help me Moms Fashion File!
Wish me luck!
Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva says
Melissa…i have so been there with you!!! It is easier this way…i am so rooting for you…you go girl a little lip gloss goes a long way!!!
Thank you for visiting my blog XOXOX
KLZ says
I’m so mad at my hair right now, I can’t even tell you. I can’t figure out how to balance style + mom + lazy.
JDaniel4's Mom says
I have that outfit. Does that make me cool or you not?
Bird says
Oh, I sooo understand. It felt as though I were reading from a page in my own diary… if I wrote a diary. To be serious though, it does sound a bit like you’re quoting parts of my conversations over the last couple days. As a matter of fact yesterday, my husband forced me to go buy decent make-up because I am always complaining that I don’t know what to do with my face, lol. So I go to two different places to ask questions and they ask me all these questions to which I have no idea what they’re talking about… I’m like, hello, does it look like I know what you’re talking about? Look at my no make up face, my afro hair (I was too lazy to straighten it) and my jeans, flip flops, and semi-decent black top… I had to literally say I had no “girl genes” what so ever for them to break it down for me…. sheesh! Good luck girl, I’ll be rooting for you! Just come back and teach me what you find out, lol!!
Kirsty @mummytofive says
I know exactly how you feel! As a mummy to five, I’m a jeans, shirt and cardigan type of gal!!
Hope you had a great time being styled! We Mums deserve a nice pamper session once in a while!