Let’s face it: establishing an efficient morning routine takes years. Some of us don’t even have it down yet well into adulthood! But having some semblance of regularity in the morning hours is surprisingly beneficial to health and happiness. In fact, studies show that routines can help increase productivity, lower stress and boost energy levels. And even though you might not think your routine is especially refined, we’re willing to bet you do a few things each morning to help you prep for the day in a healthy way.
Source: Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock.com
With kids, beginning — and, more importantly, following — an a.m. regimen is especially hard. When you’re dealing with morning crankiness coupled with the stress of getting two or more people ready, things can quickly turn chaotic. But there are a few things you can do to make the morning run a bit more smoothly and to help establish some routine and regularity in your child’s life. Here are some of our best tips on establishing a morning routine for kids.
- Start Your Morning Routine at Bedtime — It’s hard to get into the habit of thinking about the morning before you go to bed, but it can save you so much time and energy when you wake up. There are some simple things you can do during or after bedtime to make the morning tasks a bit easier.
- Have your little one set out their favorite cute children’s clothes so they’re ready in the morning.
- Pack lunches and snacks for the day ahead.
- Set alarms. Consider using a sunrise alarm (an alarm that wakes you up gradually using lights) for kids if you need to get them up early.
- Create and Write Down Your Routine — Most of us have had the morning thing down for years at this point, so it’s a bit like second nature. But actually creating and writing down the routine you want for your family will help ensure that you follow it every day and don’t miss any steps. Here’s an example of a routine you might want to set for your kids:
- Wake up
- Make your bed
- Use the bathroom
- Brush your teeth
- Brush your hair
- Get dressed
- Eat a healthy breakfast
Source: paulaphoto/Shuttertock.com
- Follow It Every Day, Regardless of What’s on the Agenda — Everyone gets lax on the weekends or on vacation, but try your best to follow some morning routine each day, even if you’re not trying to get up and out the door. You don’t have to get your kids dressed every single morning — a few hours of playing in their pajamas is perfectly OK — but always try to start relaxed mornings with some structure. Still have them brush their teeth and hair and have a healthy breakfast, even if you’re off your typical schedule.
- Identify What Slows Your Child Down — Got a child who’s especially fussy about what she wears or eats? Make sure to eliminate any crankiness in the morning by keeping them happy. For example, let your little princess pick out some pretty clothes for girls that you know she’ll want to put on in the morning. And make sure his cute little boy clothes are comfortable and don’t cause stress when changing out of pajamas. Plenty of kids have sensitivities to certain fabrics and clothing types, so try your best to dress them in sensory-friendly clothing made of soft material that doesn’t itch or bother them all day. The contrast between pajamas and regular clothing can be especially challenging for kids in the morning, so this can help.
Source: Halfpoint/Shutterstock.com
- Make It Fun — We all know that anything that stresses our kids out will not “stick.” Making it fun is the parenting hack that helps us ensure that even those boring and mundane life tasks are enjoyable for a lifetime. Here are some simple ways to make their morning routine a bit more fun:
- Make an energizing playlist or sing fun songs they love. It’s never too early to blast the feel-good music!
- Give rewards and incentives for every task or morning routine completed. It could be something as simple as a sticker for each task or as exciting as a toy for completing all tasks for the whole week.
- Make it into a game. Consider having the kids race or challenge them to beat their time from the day before.
- Let your kids pick out their toothbrushes, toothpaste and hair products themselves. Fun colors, tasty flavors and recognizable characters will get them excited to brush so it’s less like pulling teeth!
- Watch videos about morning routines. Kids love seeing their favorite characters do the things they do every day.
- Give Them Plenty of Time — When you’ve got a full plate, a busy day and kids to get ready, there’s virtually always a shortage of time. But try your best to build in some wiggle room for snafus. There’s nothing worse than rushing your way through something when you’re already stressed out. This will only make you frustrated and cause your child to associate the morning routine with stress and negativity. An extra half hour or more is always a good buffer zone to make sure you get through everything without needing to rush.
What we teach our kids when they’re young sticks with them for the rest of their lives. Establishing a solid morning routine could help them stay organized, healthy and happy as they grow older. Following the above tips will make the process a bit easier to maintain for you and your kids.
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