It goes without saying that motherhood is a full-time job. According to a study commissioned by the juice company Welch, the typical hours of work moms put in to take care of their children is equivalent to two and a half full-time jobs. That’s why you shouldn’t feel guilty about treating yourself with little rewards such as Target cashback.
While it can be tough to juggle multiple roles per day, there are ways to create some sort of structure and make sure you don’t miss out on any important tasks. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your schedule, and ensure you don’t miss out on anything important:
Plan ahead.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Simply being organized, listing down everything you have to do, and coming up with a game plan will help you from a lot of unnecessary stress. However, your plan should serve as a guide, and you have to be flexible enough for other surprise and urgent tasks.
Learn when to say no.
As a stay-at-home mother, you have a lot of tasks on your plate, and it is inevitable that your kids will turn to you for help or attention. While it’s important to pay attention to your child or partner, you need to learn to say no when there are other things you have to attend to. You don’t want to be spread thin, and risk getting burnt out.
Delegate tasks.
Even Wonder Woman had help from the rest of the Justice League to save the world, so delegate tasks within your household. Having your children pitch into some chores not only helps them become more responsible but also teaches them how the importance of teamwork. Yes, it can be tempting to let those sweet, pleading faces off the hook, but sometimes, you need to put your foot down. Your kids should understand the value of hard work.
Embrace the tools of technology.
From micromanaging to time management, there are a lot of mobile apps that can help you manage your household better. There are also a lot of potential benefits you can take advantage of such as Target cashback. Instead of having to refer to a piece of paper for your to-do list, you can just check your phone. Explore the different solutions technology has to offer in order for you to manage your schedule better.
Take care of yourself too.
While as a mother, it’s your responsibility to take care of your family and your household, it’s also important that you take time for self-care. Within your busy schedule, set aside an hour or even just 30 minutes to do something that relaxes you, like taking a long bath or exercising. You need to get quality sleep, have a healthy diet, and destress once in a while. If you’re relaxed and in balance, you’ll be able to take care of your family better.
As stay-at-home mothers, there is a ton of pressure to not only bring up healthy, well-rounded children but also maintain the household. It can be tough, and it’s inevitable that you encounter setbacks. However, as long as you’re doing your best, everything will work out, and you will accomplish all that you have to do. You got this.
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