When you move into your first home you barely have anything. Fast forward a few years later and you have two kettles, three microwaves, mountains of mail and six televisions! You keep telling yourself that “you might need these one day, what if two of my microwaves stop working?”
You do not need to keep everything. The truth is, is that you need space more than you need more stuff.
When you go to a hotel everything is clean, everything has a place and there is no clutter. It instantly makes you feel relaxed and like you’re on holiday. Wouldn’t it be nice if your own home made you feel this way? Here are the best ways to integrate a minimalist approach to your home.
Invest in quality furniture
When it comes to furniture think quality over quantity. If you’re looking for furniture in Adelaide look for furniture that matches the aesthetic of your home and if possible try purchasing some furniture with some great built in storage.
If you have furniture that you love, you will be more likely to take care of it and you will want to show it off instead of hiding it under mountains of clutter.
Make sure everything has its place
Give every item in your home a place. If something does not have a place, try to find a nice way to store it. This will stop you from just leaving things in a drawer or on the floor when you don’t know what to do with it.
When everything is put away your home will instantly look cleaner and more put together.
Adopt the mantra “don’t put it down, put it away”
Next time you’re holding something like your handbag or shoes don’t just put them down. Put them away.
This is how clutter begins, People will just leave items lying around and eventually, they have so many things lying around they don’t know what to do with them. You will notice a significant difference if you just start putting things in their place. This is a great way to organise your home with minimal effort.
Declutter one room at a time
Decluttering your entire home can seem like an impossible task. Start by decluttering one room at a time.
Each time you organise a room bring three buckets into each room. One bin for donations, one for rubbish, one for the stuff that you want to keep.
If you do this one room at a time you may eventually find that you have 50% less stuff than what you used to have and you won’t miss anything either.
Be mindful of everything you bring into your home
Every time you’re about to bring something into your home try to visualise where it will live in your home.
Think of whether you really need the item and if you do decide to bring it into your home try to eliminate something else. For example, if you buy a new jumper you should try to donate one of your older jumpers.
This also means you should stop bringing junk into your home like junk mail catalogues and flyers people hand to you.
Don’t keep all of your receipts, warranties and mail
Do you find that you keep all of your mail in case you need it one day? Has there ever been a time where you have needed a two-year-old bank statement? If the answer is no. get rid of it.
Nowadays most mail is emailed to you and if you need a bank statement you can request one from your bank or print out a copy from your online banking. If you have some receipts and warranties that you need to keep you should purchase a folder to put these in. Keep the folder organised and when your warranties expire it is time to throw them away.
Benefits of a minimalist home
All in all the benefits of a minimalist home are endless. A home free of clutter is less stressful, looks nicer and is easier to keep clean.
Your home will be something you want to relax in instead of something you want to escape from.
Happy decluttering and good luck!
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