There is a global cost of living crisis, and households everywhere feel the pinch. With everything from groceries to energy costing more, families everywhere are making a concerted effort to find money-saving avenues. Therefore, any viable solution is a welcome one.
One of the primary sources of high household costs is energy consumption from gas marketer. Research shows that about 40% of the average Australian household’s energy usage goes to heating and cooling. This figure far outpaces other home power uses, including appliances, water heating and lighting, at 33%, 21% and 6%, respectively. Therefore, keeping your house warm during winter is not only a major concern but also becomes a matter of juggling and balancing your energy needs versus your financial capabilities.
The need to find more cost-effective sources of energy compels a strategic approach. But first, it is best to understand your home’s energy consumption needs and levels. This understanding can help focus your reduction efforts. So, as the weather becomes cooler, here are some tips on how to keep your energy bill low during winter.
It may sometimes present a challenge, but some of the best strategies you can use include the following:
- Set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature.
By setting your thermostat to a lower temperature, you can reduce the energy your heating system needs to use to keep your home warm.
- Seal any air leaks in your home.
Air leaks around windows and doors can allow cold air to enter your home and warm air to escape. Seal these leaks with weatherstripping or caulk to prevent drafts.
- Insulate your walls and attic.
Insulation helps to keep warm air inside your home and prevent heat loss. Make sure your attic and walls have sufficient insulation to keep your home warm during the winter.
- Use draft stoppers on doors and windows.
You can place draft stoppers on the bottom of doors and windows to prevent cold air from entering your home.
- Use a programmable thermostat.
A programmable thermostat can automatically lower the temperature when you’re not at home or when you’re sleeping. This capability can help you save energy and money.
- Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
Energy-efficient light bulbs use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and can last longer.
- Unplug electronics when they’re not in use.
Many electronics continue to use energy even when they’re off. By unplugging them, you can prevent this standby power loss and save money on your energy bill.
- Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer during off-peak hours.
Many utility companies charge more for electricity during peak hours. So by running these appliances during off-peak hours, you can save money on your energy bill.
- Keep windows and blinds closed at night.
Keeping windows and blinds closed at night can help keep warm air inside your home and prevent heat loss.
- Plant trees or install shading devices.
During the summer, shading devices can block the sun’s rays and reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home. Planting trees can also help to provide natural shading during the summer.
In addition to following these tips, you should regularly maintain your heating system and keep it in good working order. This approach can help ensure that it runs efficiently and doesn’t consume more energy than necessary.
Take Advantage Of Solar Energy
If you have installed a solar system, you have a significant advantage. This addition provides the energy-saving benefits of harnessing the ultraviolet light more prevalent during the year’s colder months (otherwise known as the power of the wintersun). However, drawing the most advantage from your solar system during wintertime requires you to consider the following factors carefully:
- Your solar systems generate the bulk of the power you rely on during the day. Therefore, running your appliances during daytime/peak production hours is best.
- For more cost savings, schedule your use of high-energy appliances, like your washing machine, dryer and dishwasher,for different times. However, the best time to use them for optimum cost-saving benefits is during the day.
- Aim to do the bulk of electrical device charging during peak energy production hours (when the sunlight is at its brightest and highest in the sky). Doing so allows you to take advantage of plentiful free energy, thus lowering your energy costs.
- Keep any devices or appliances that are not in use powered off. In addition, it is best to replace older appliances with more recent energy-efficient models.
The national grid rates increase can vary per region, and with utility companies forecasting a net 35% increase in power costs for the year; it is essential to use every available tool to lower energy consumption. However, the best option is solar energy. This alternative is environmentally friendly, abundant in supply and cost-effective. Therefore, it allows you to enjoy your conveniences while staying within your budget.
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