A morning cup of coffee is something most people can’t live without. It gives us energy for the rest of the day, and the taste is really fantastic. However, there are many ways you can make a perfect coffee, and one of them is by using a French press. Making coffee with a plunger may seem intimidating at first, but truth be told, it is not that hard. You just have to know what goes where.
That’s why, here, you can read all about how to make a perfect French press coffee. You can get all the information about what type of water to use, which sort of beans will be best, or how much of it you should add. Read on and start your day off deliciously!
What You Need
Of course, the first thing on your shopping list is a French press coffee maker. It is a straightforward device many people use around the world. The price may vary from one model to another, so it’s up to you to decide how much you want to spend.
Additionally, if you want to make your coffee-drinking experience even better, you can consider creating or buying a custom coffee sleeve. On the internet, there are many coffee sleeve ideas you can try. And, if you’d like to learn more on this subject, you can click here to see what’s so unique about custom coffee sleeves.
Choosing a type of water is the next step. If you are going to use bottled water, make sure it doesn’t contain any chemicals or isn’t full of minerals. If you decide to use tap water, let it stand for at least 10 minutes before using it. This way, the chlorine will evaporate, and your coffee will taste better. Just remember to avoid distilled water because it has no mineral content, which is essential for making great coffee.
The last thing you need is a grinder for your beans. It’s your choice what kind of grinder you want to buy — a manual or an electric one. A manual grinder is an excellent option when you’re on the go. On the other hand, if you are making your coffee at home, an electric grinder is much more convenient. No matter if it’s stainless steel or plastic, as long as it does the job well.
That being said, grinding beans for French press is completely different than if you were making espresso. The grinds should be coarse, not fine. The more fine grounds you have in the coffee, the murkier it is. If the grinds are too fine, they might even clog up your French press, and you won’t be able to make any more coffee after that.
Making Perfect Coffee in French Press
There are many steps to follow, but it’s not that hard if you know what to do. Don’t worry about following these instructions to the letter. Instead, just focus on the main idea behind them, and you’ll get there without any problems. Let’s start!
- Preheat the coffee press and your coffee mug.
- Measure out four tablespoons of fresh beans. Grind them finely enough for a french press (not too fine!). You can start with eight grams of coarse ground coffee per 4 oz. of water.
- Start boiling water.
- Put the ground coffee at the bottom of your french press, then pour hot water over the beans (the water should be around 195ºF) and stir the brew. If you do not have the thermometer, wait half a minute after the water has come to a full boil.
- Now put the plunger lid on top and wait for 3-4 minutes. After that time, press down slowly until your plunger reaches the bottom.
- Pour the brew into a cup and enjoy!
- Wash your french press immediately after drinking the coffee to prevent any bitter residue from being left on the glass.
- Don’t forget to clean your grinder as well. All you need to do is just run a few tablespoons of beans through it, and you’ll be good to go!
You can’t go wrong with a good french press coffee maker. It’s a perfect choice for those who love to drink coffee every day but don’t want to spend too much money on fancy equipment. Of course, you can’t make some coffee types in a french press, like espresso or cappuccino. Nevertheless, they are rare and don’t taste as good as regular coffee made with a plunger.
If you focus on perfecting your coffee-making skills, your French press coffee will be better than others. The most important thing is to find the right amount of ground beans to use. You can experiment with the number of beans you put in the water. If you find that your coffee is too weak, use more grounds next time. The amount of water is also essential — if you use too much, your coffee will be bland, so try to adjust it to your liking. Good luck!
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