There are few things in life that bring you as much joy as your perfectly manicured lawn, with no smell sweeter than a freshly cut yard. It can take months to perfect that beautiful green grass which welcomes any guests or newcomers to your home. After all that effort, the last thing you want to be dealing with is grass mites. Grass mites will slowly eat away at any pride you hold in your lawn, with the damage almost irreparable. To learn how to better manage grass mites on your lawn, advised these simple tips
Expert help
Grass mites can be a tricky foe to go up against, and it’s a fight you don’t want to lose. After countless hours of hard work in the garden, it can be frustrating to find mites. If you ever find yourself in this scenario and you aren’t sure how to move forward, try seeking lawn pest control expertise. Grass mites can be tricky to identify and even trickier to eradicate so outside help will be worth the investment. Professional pest controllers can help identify and handle any infestations that may be present in your lawn, while also providing a maintenance plan that will ensure they don’t return. Pest control can help provide a level of peace of mind that a do-it-yourself approach cannot offer. If you aren’t sure exactly where or how to deal with your new guests, then calling an expert is the best course of action.
Keep it low
If you are interested in easy ways of managing grass mites, you may consider lowering the height at which you mow. Who would have thought that this mindless setting could determine your lawn health? Grass mites love summer conditions, especially hot and dry lawns. One of the best ways to manage grass mites is to reduce the mower height at which you cut your grass. By reducing the height of the cut grass you will help reduce the accumulation the clippings and any population of mites. This lowering of grass cuttings will also help decrease the likelihood of a follow-up infestation. Simple steps in your lawn maintenance can help ensure you enjoy a green and healthy lawn for years to come. A manicured lawn also deters a number of other pests too, so consider a short grass length as a preemptive measure.
Moisture is key
Grass mites thrive in an unattended and uncared for lawn. One of the best ways to manage your lawn is to regularly water and feed your grass. Moisture and adequate nutrients will help your lawn dominate, especially during the growing season. Without adequate water and nutrients, your lawn could suffer from extreme dryness that grass mites love. When the temperature starts to rise, hose down your lawn and don’t give those mites a chance to get comfortable. Large scale maintenance changes may not be necessary, but simple changes now can help change your lawn health forever.
Reassess your needs-
Grass mites are the last thing you ever intend for, and depending on what type of approach you want to take, there are many options on the table. If the area in question doesn’t need to be grassed for your future endeavours, then perhaps an alternative material is your best course of action. Stoned or paved footpaths are a fantastic way to repurpose unwanted grassed areas and remove the concern that any mites may bring. This is a drastic reaction to grass mites, but it’s food for thought as a homeowner.
Grass mites are an unwelcome guest in almost every scenario. Dealing with an infestation can be challenging and frustrating all at the same time. Before dealing with any grass mites challenge, be sure to consider all of your available options. From expert help through to alternative landscape options, grass mites can be dealt with. If you need help dealing with, or managing grass mites, consider this simple guide to help rid your lawn of mites for good.
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