Incorporation of all the kitchen appliances and utensils is a stumper when you have a small kitchen area. It becomes challenging to incorporate everything efficiently, so your kitchen remains clutter-free. Whether you are enjoying your morning coffee in the kitchen or getting dinner ready, a scattered kitchen is a major turn-off. So, we endorse it as a priority to solve the storage issues in a small kitchen space. In this blog post, we have included the simplest tips that can help you make better use of each corner in your small kitchen. Let’s have a look at them.
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Tips to Maximize Space in a Small Kitchen
When we deal with the creation of functional kitchen designs in Summerlin Las Vegas, we make sure that each part of the kitchen is designed in such a way that it can accommodate the maximum kitchen items while maintaining the sleek and appealing look of the kitchen. Here are the best tips from our professionals to help you in your kitchen design journey.
Design it Right
Sometimes, it is not about the items that you need to add to your kitchen. It is about the design and color scheme of your kitchen that gives it a spacious and airy appearance. Especially, when you are designing a small kitchen, choose a pastel color theme, handleless cabinets, and a glossy finish of the kitchen that traps enough natural light imposing the kitchen area as a wider space. However, if you are a dark-theme lover, ask the interior designer to balance the colors, so nothing looks overwhelming.
Integrate the Appliances
Integrating kitchen appliances means that there is no need to buy and designate separate spaces for heavy appliances like ovens, toasters, or even the simplest accessories like cutting boards. It will give a clean and spacious look to the countertops that are usually overcrowded by these appliances in the household. Moreover, when buying the appliances, make sure that their colors complement your kitchen theme so that none of them is inordinate.
Add Your Stuff Wisely
You have chosen the right theme and integrated the appliances, but there is still a major task left behind. You also have to carefully arrange the utensils and other kitchen accessories so that they fit right in the place. Wicker baskets are a popular option for arranging these items, they not only fit perfectly in the cabinets and keep them organized but they also go well with the aesthetics of your kitchen. Furthermore, you can add some hooks to the interior of the cabinet for more hanging storage while keeping it hidden for visitors.
Skip the Traditional Dining Tables
One practice that is common in houses with small kitchen spaces is to substitute the kitchen counters for the traditional dining tables in the kitchen. Install an island in your kitchen and use a portion of it as a dining table while another portion to install any essential item in the kitchen as many people add a sink or stove to it. Keep it clean, so you can enjoy some quality time with your family while preparing meals.
Store Away Unused Items
Each household has some large utensils that are occasionally used to prepare large meals for parties or make big batches of seasonal sauces. However, you can’t let them stay on the countertop around the whole year making it look overstuffed. Hence, it is better to designate a large lower cabinet for such items where they are easily accessible while keeping them separate from the daily-used utensils.
Final Words
In conclusion, your kitchen design is the key factor that contributes to maximizing the storage space in small kitchens. Carefully design the interiors and add skinny cupboards and separate places for integrating large appliances. Arrange all the items by the efficient use of the storage places and keep the countertops clean and tidy. These simple yet useful tips will help you to get a clean and spacious kitchen space, so you can enjoy your meal preparations.
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