There is no need to deny the fact that procrastination is a common ailment for millions of college students. Indeed, it’s a rare student who would eagerly get down to writing their assignments without putting them off for as long as possible. So, how come that even being aware of the dreadful effects of procrastination on their academic performance so many young learners eventually fall victim to this phenomenon? And how can you combat it and start completing your college papers on time?
Even self-disciplined and conscientious people are not immune to procrastination. People leave things that need to be done until a later time because they find them boring or difficult. There are always so many things on the plate that require your attention so at times it becomes excruciatingly hard to make yourself attend to urgent matters. And there comes procrastination. It’s something that gets in the way of your becoming a more successful and efficient writer. It’s something that makes you hand in poorly written projects (written in haste) at the last minute or even end up turning in late assignments. You may feel okay about your tendency to postpone everything until later or make excuses, ascribing it to a constant lack of time. But as with any bad habit, you may end up being held hostage by it. What’s more, procrastination may follow you into your working life and thus endanger not only your academic but also professional career.
Is There Any Way Out?
It’s never too late to change your life for the better. Even the fact you have realized the problem and resolved to take actions to combat your bad habit is a good start. So, chances are good you can start writing strong, effective papers in a timely manner very soon if you start taking action right now.
First of all, you need to understand why you tend to procrastinate with your written assignments and what can be done to improve the situation.
Why You Do It?
According to Isabelle Foster, an educational assistant and writing expert at PayToWriteEssays, students are often afraid of failure, which makes them put off the completion of their papers. They think that with time they will pull themselves together and produce something truly meaningful and worthy, while in reality, they often end up finishing an essay five minutes before it’s actually due. In such a case, your fear of failure may do you a big disservice and considerably undermine your creative potential.
Try to convince yourself no one is perfect and to err is human. Even if your piece of writing turns out not as fine as you expected, you can pride yourself on your attempts. Over time, you’ll realize there’s no point procrastinating and thus stop sabotaging your academic success by procrastinating.
Other students, to the contrary, unconsciously procrastinate out of fear of success, Foster says. They are afraid that they will end up buried under piles of textbooks and overwhelmed by countless assignments, which eventually will prevent them from seeing their friends, going out, or having fun altogether. For such students procrastination is a means to ensure they are still from the bondage college assignments will impose on them otherwise. If you realize this may be the case for you, it’s about time you stopped viewing your papers as the hindrance to your personal happiness and self-realization. It’s a good idea to adopt the perspective where all academic assignments are seen as indispensable means of developing and honing important skills that will help you in college and beyond.
Finally, there are those students that merely hate their writing. They tend to procrastinate with the writing process not to experience that boredom and not to do something that doesn’t entail emotional satisfaction at all. In this case, Foster recommends starting developing a more positive mindset when it comes to writing. It’s possible to trick your brain into liking something or at least not hating doing it that much. Try to convince yourself that writing is not a mind-numbing process whose only purpose is to demoralize you. Change your attitude to the task. Tell yourself that you either know how to complete this or that assignment or that you can learn how to nail it quickly. You may be surprised to find out that if you start early on your written assignment, your attitude never has a chance to get you down.
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