In Missouri, These Services Make a Big Impact on Quality of Life for People with Specialized Healthcare Needs
Busy parents have their hands full caring for their children – but what happens when an adult family member also needs the same or a higher level of care?
Whether the person with specialized healthcare needs is a child, an older teen, a young adult, or even another parent, Missouri offers in-home Medicaid services that exceed the level of care that home health care services can provide.
These one-on-one care services align with your loved one’s needs, meeting them where they are, and improving their quality of life and increasing their level of independence.
Consumer Directed Services
Missouri Consumer Directed Services allow the recipient of services to act as the employer and hire and direct their own personal care attendants. This program enables those with specialized care needs to customize their care. Some care agencies can help you manage your employed caregivers, oversee payroll, and conduct background checks. With this administrative assistance, receiving Consumer Directed Services through Missouri Medicaid is even easier.
Personal care attendants help with tasks of daily living to support independence at home. These tasks can include help with getting dressed, toileting, eating or preparing meals, shopping, running errands, housekeeping, ambulation, and more.
To qualify to participate in this Medicaid program, recipients must be at least 18 years old and have the mental capacity to direct their own care. They must be able to live independently in Missouri with the help of these services and in need of at least a nursing level of care. The program is designed for those with physical disabilities.
Department of Mental Health
For patient quality of life and family caregiver peace of mind, Department of Mental Health services through Missouri Medicaid include in-home care for individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities.
To help individuals live independently in their own homes, the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities ensures patients can receive assistance that includes meal preparation and feeding, therapy extensions, grooming and hygiene help, ambulation, skin care, toileting, transfering, and more.
To qualify, an individual must have a learning disability, cerebral palsy, neurological disorders, head injuries, epilepsy, a visual or hearing impairment, anxiety or mood disorders, down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, or other conditions.
HCBS: In-Home Medicaid Services
Home- and community-based services (HCBS) in Missouri prevent transfers to skilled nursing facilities and keep an individual living in their home for as long as possible. Because patient eligibility varies greatly, you should seek out experts in the healthcare field to learn more about waivers and to get a referral. This federal program is for the elderly, people with disabilities, and those with mental illness who could benefit from in-home care.
In-home care can include grooming, dressing, and bathing, light housekeeping, meal preparation, maintenance nursing, and even respite care for family caregivers.
Because this is a federal program, most states offer their version through Medicaid.
Healthy Children and Youth Private Duty Nursing
For children and young adults with specialized healthcare needs, private duty nursing provides one-on-one nursing care in the family home, through Missouri Medicaid.
Meeting high standards of care, nurses perform medical care for children, including tube feeding, IV medications, injections, and more, as well as provide help with daily routines, like bathing, dressing, toileting, and self care. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy may also be included. Additionally, Medicaid provides nursing care for children when they attend school, summer camps, or other activities.
Keep in mind that your child will need a physician referral and state approval before receiving private duty nursing care.
How to Start Care Services in Missouri
To receive these Medicaid services in Missouri, the loved one in need must either already have Medicaid coverage or be eligible for coverage. Only the Missouri Department of Social Services can confirm eligibility. In some cases, waivers may be available to extend coverage to individuals who may not otherwise qualify.
There are three ways to apply for coverage. The first is through the Missouri Department of Social Services online portal. The second is by phone at (855) 373-9994. You also can download and print a paper application to complete and return to MDSS. Visit the state’s website for details.
Then, once your Medicaid coverage is approved, you will need to contact a local agency that is authorized to provide these Medicaid services in Missouri. To find the best care, ask friends, colleagues, or support group members for their recommendations. You or your loved one’s assigned social worker may also be helpful in identifying the right services and service providers in your community. Keep in mind that you may need a referral from your loved one’s physician to begin services.
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