We are less than a month away from Avengers: Infinity War and I. Can. Not. Wait. I’m counting down the days until we can see the movie! My son is so excited too so we have been coming up with some fun craft and snack ideas to celebrate the upcoming release. I’ve been tossing around the idea of making Infinity Stones Rock Candy but I kept stopping myself thinking it would be too hard to make. I’m glad I finally did it because it’s SO easy to make and pretty tasty too!
Infinity Stones Rock Candy
Here’s what you’ll need to make the Infinity Stones Rock Candy!
- Candy Thermometer (I ordered this one from Amazon last week and it worked great!)
- 4 cups of sugar
- 2 cups of water
- 2 cups of light corn syrup
- Food dye – green, orange, purple, red, yellow and blue for the six Infinity Stones
- Flavoring Oil
- toothpicks
- 6 mini loaf baking pans or any other small pans you want to use
- In a large pan, stir to combine the sugar, water and light corn syrup. Attach the thermometer to the side of the pan.
- Turn to boiling for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Turn down to medium-high heat and watch for the thermometer to reach 300 degrees.
- While you’re waiting for the temperature to rise, place a drop of food coloring and flavoring oil into each pan. Place 6 toothpicks next to it.
- Keep watching that thermometer! If it goes over 300 degrees, it can start to burn and turn brown.
- Once it hits 300 degrees, you’re going to have to work quickly. Pour a little bit of the mixture into each of the 6 pans. Then, use a new toothpick to mix each one quickly. The candy starts to harden fast!
- There’s two ways to break the candy. You can let it cool for about 30 minutes and it will be ROCK hard (get it?) and then use a mallet to break it into chunks….or stones. Or after about 15 minutes, you can pick up the mixture – it will be warm and gooey – and start tearing it into pieces. In my pictures, you’ll see the blue rock candy was when I used a mallet to crack it and the other pieces, I tore apart to get bigger chunks….I mean, stones.
Want to know more about the Infinity Stones and where we have seen each one? Check out this great article about the Infinity Stones.
Make sure to check out my recipe for Captain America cupcakes and a Captain America Fruit Shield!
Watch the Avengers: Infinity War Trailer!
Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters April 27th!
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