Firstly you may be wondering what cryolipolysis actually is. This is a treatment for freezing fat cells in your body. It is probably better known as CoolSculpting and is the first FDA approved non-surgical fat-reduction treatment available.
Cryolpisysis works by freezing the fat cells by using a vacuum applicator. The cells will then die and over time they are metabolised. It is an effective way to reduce the amount of fat cells and give a more toned appearance. It is not, however, a weight loss program. It is designed to work on people who are already near their ideal weight but cannot shift problem areas of fat.
Is this treatment permanent?
Cryolipolysis is permanent. So that means you will be able to destroy your unwanted and unsightly bulges and never see them again right? Wrong. The treatment is permanent but that doesn’t mean the fat can’t return. To see why this should happen it is important to understand how cryolipolysis works.
The procedure for cryolipolysis involves using a vacuum applicator as mentioned above. The surface comes into contact with skin and the cold temperature produces an anaesthetic effect on the patient. The treatment can take around 30 – 60 minutes and larger areas like the abdomen will take longer. During the procedure the affected fat cells will be frozen. Over the next 6-12 weeks these fat cells will liquefy and be destroyed & eliminated by the body’s natural processes.
The treatment will usually destroy around 20-25% of fat cells in a treated area although some people have less effective results. The problem doesn’t lie in the treatment itself. Returning fat comes down to the individual as you will see below.
How does the patient’s lifestyle affect the effectiveness of cryolipolysis?
So you now know that cryolipolysis itself is permanent but that doesn’t mean that the effects can’t be undone. Cryolipolysis is not designed to help people lose weight so much as lose some problem areas of fat and improve the appearance of parts of their bodies.
If someone leads an unhealthy lifestyle and consumes fatty foods, alcohol and does little exercise then new fat cells will be developed and the problems can return. Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting should be seen as another way to improve your appearance and not as a miracle weight loss cure.
The ideal candidate for cryolipolysis is someone who is dedicated to working at maintaining a healthy weight through lifestyle changes. This means exercising and eating a healthy balanced diet. Someone who is around 10-15 pounds over their ideal weight would be a good candidate for cryolipolysis.
Will you need more than one session?
If the effects are permanent does that mean you will only need one session of cryolipolysis? How many sessions you need will depend on your own body and what you want to achieve. Someone who is looking to lose 5-15 pounds may only need one session. Someone who has more stubborn bulges may need one or two more sessions. Many people only need one session and your practitioner should be able to talk you through what you need.
How long does it take to recover?
You might imagine that for a treatment that is effective at destroying fat cells there would be a significant recovery time. Med spa treatments such as chemical peels can take weeks for the redness to disappear however cryolipolysis treatments are non-invasive and non-surgical so there is no recovery time. It is perfectly ok for a patient to drive themselves home after treatment and carry on with their daily lives.
Although there is no recovery time as such there is a waiting period for the results to show. It can take up to 12 weeks for the full effects to show and the dead fat cells to be fully eliminated. This is where people start to feel that the treatment hasn’t worked or isn’t permanent. Anyone who has had the treatment needs to be patient and wait for the results before embarking on another session.
How long do you need to wait between sessions?
There is a difference of opinion in how long patients should wait before undergoing another cryolipolysis session. The minimum time to wait is 1 month while other practitioners may recommend you wait up to 4 months. There is some belief that having another session quickly after the first may be beneficial but it is worth remembering that your body may not have eliminated all the dead fat cells and you would be spending money just to refreeze those same cells again.
What areas do people usually have treatment on?
Cryolipolysis is safe and effective for removing fat from many problem areas of the body. Different people gather fat in different areas and some struggle to lose love handles while others develop cellulite on their legs. Cryolipolysis can help reduce problems in the abdomen, under the chin, the arms, legs, buttocks and help to improve the appearance of cellulite too.
Is there anyone that shouldn’t have cryolipolysis?
If someone was suffering from a cold related condition such as cold urticaria or Raynaud’s phenomenon then they should avoid cryolipolysis as should anyone who has loose skin as this can be made worse by the procedure. Anyone who is not going to maintain a healthy lifestyle after treatment will not see the effects for very long.
If you are going to have this procedure it is also advised that you stay out of the sun beforehand as sunburn can make your skin more sensitive and stop smoking a week beforehand to aid a quicker recovery time.
Cryolipysis is becoming more and more popular with thousands of clinics around the world. As an effective non-invasive treatment to remove unwanted bulges and fat cells it is very tempting to see it as a cure for your problem areas. Although it indeed can help you to achieve the look you desire and the effects are permanent it must always be remembered that it should be used alongside a healthy lifestyle and exercise regime for maximum effect.
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