Last night, I was working on my computer while my husband was watching TV when a commercial appeared starring Jenny McCarthy. You know, Jenny McCarthy who was so anti-vaccine and started a near hysteria on how vaccines caused autism. {Yes, I just linked to a Buzzfeed article} Now, I’ll tell you right now before you go on reading that I am pro-vaccine. All of my kids are vaccinated and will continue to be. I’m all for delayed schedules. I’m all for choosing to skip vaccines like rotovirus or chickenpox – if you choose. I’m not for skipping vaccines that contribute to measles and other eradicated diseases coming back to the United States.
But back to Jenny McCarthy. Last night’s commercial featured her taking about Blu e-cigarettes. Yup, the woman who was so anti injecting chemicals into your child is now okay with adults {and ultimately children who see the commercial and think it looks cool} inhaling chemicals into their bodies. Wait. I’m confused.
You can view the laughable video below – you know what I’m sayin’?
Jenny McCarthy states in the commercial that “Now that I’ve switched to blu I feel better about myself.” Awesome.
Time Magazine shares:
“A study of electronic cigarette advertising from June through November of 2013 by the American Legacy Foundation found that Lorillard Tobacco Company’s blu brand spent more on marketing than “all other brands combined,” and that blu’s advertising was the most commonly viewed by teenagers, “with 73% of 12- to 17-year-olds exposed to blu’s print and TV ads.”
That scares me and it also surprises me that a MOM who obviously cares so much for her child {I read her books, she is a FIERCE mama bear} and the well-being of other children would pick to represent a brand that isn’t healthy and whose advertising is seen by teens. It’s true that e-cigarettes may be healthier than regular cigarettes, but we still don’t know how safe they are and it really can’t be safe to be ingesting chemicals into your lungs.
This is basically just a rant of mine. I’m not in the know of the science of vaccines OR e-cigarettes. I was basically just shocked to see Jenny McCarthy promoting a brand of e-cigarettes.
What’s your thought on Jenny McCarthy promoting e-cigarettes after being the poster child for anti-vaccines?
Mellisa says
I think she really put her foot in her mouth with this one. The thing is E-Cigs are pretty new so they don’t know all the harmful effects that the vapors cause not only to the people smoking them but also to the kids around! I say if you are going to be so outspoken for one cause you better make sure that you don’t contradict yourself doing something else.
Sippy Cup Mom says
It does scare me the lack of research there is! I think she contradicted herself here too.
Lisa says
Jenny McCarthy is a gal who has done (or said) ANYTHING for money from ‘Day One’. She got her so-called start by taking her clothes off for Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Magazine. Nothing that comes from her should be a surprise to anyone. She’s a crude, rude lady with little to no conscience who needs the Lord. Her child’s emotional problems are more likely caused by her irresponsible lifestyle then anything else.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
I canNOT stand her. I have never liked her and that is complete bologna that she is so outspoken about one thing and then endorses something just as bad in a different way.
Amber Conaway says
She is definitely contradicting herself. Seems like she is just doing it for the money, like a lot of actors and actresses do. But I do not know her personally so I can’t judge her. It is what it is, most celebrities do this anyways I don’t put too much thought into ANYTHING said by ANY celebrity!
erin says
Was she a smoker switching to e-cigs – then I can see what she is thinking/saying. But I don’t think she has done all the research behind this fad. It’s not much healthier (if at all) compared to smoking regular cigs.
Sippy Cup Mom says
That’s true…I guess she is promoting the fact there is no smoke.
Kay Adeola says
Money makes people do things.I do not think it is any healthier and all the adverts about it are making kids wanting to try them which is plain wrong.
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama says
At least she’s not getting the tar or other substances from cigarettes, but the studies on the ecigs are still out. Sounds fishy to me.
Sippy Cup Mom says
That is true! I’m so anti-cigarettes too! I just wonder about the e-cigarettes.
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
Oh my gosh, she’s thrown such a stink about vaccines that I think it’s ridiculous that she’s being so hypocritical and purposefully putting chemicals into her own body. It’s sad when people sell out.
Elizabeth says
It is funny to see her promoting an unhealthy product when she ‘s been so outspoken about doing things chemical free. Maybe she’s thinking about the harm of secondhand smoke to children versus these electronic cigarettes. If so, I can understand that a bit better.
Sippy Cup Mom says
That’s exactly what I was thinking! I think she is thinking of the actual smoke too.
Tiffany (Fabulous Mom Blog) says
Jenny is a big contradiction. I use to like her, but not so much anymore, especially that she is dating my favorite NKOTB. (that last bit was just me trying to be funny).
Sippy Cup Mom says
Haha, I agree! Can’t believe she’s marrying Donnie!
Jaime says
I don’t always agree with her views (and I think it’s ok to agree to disagree.) However, I don’t like the contradicting views – chemicals for one, but not the other.
Debra says
YES! that’s exactly what I thought when I saw this ad for the first time. Chemicals are not okay for her kid, but there fine for her to be inhaling!
Not So Average Mama says
For one, she is an adult. There is a big difference in making choices for our ADULT bodies than our kids bodies. Secondly, like you and others have said…there hasn’t been enough research done on the effects of electronic cigs….the same could be said about vaccines.
Sippy Cup Mom says
That is true! I just think it’s unfortunate that both cigarette and e-cigarette advertising is shown to kids. Take away the vaccine stuff and it would still surprise me that a Mom would promote it.
Rachel @RunningRachel says
Pot. Kettle. Wow. Yup. She gets PAID to endorse that.. so yeah. *shaking my head*
Lynsey @MoscatoMom says
I have never been a fan of hers. This just adds to that lol
Liz Mays says
Yeah, the two things really don’t pair well together, do they? If she had any credibility left, I think it’s gone with this.
melinda says
money talks! she’s lost lots of credibility with this one
Chrystal @ YUM eating says
She can’t be desperate for money so I am not sure why she would do a commercial like this whether she uses the product or not. We also know that Jenny is known for having a weird sense of humor and being extremely sarcastic. Who knows if she even uses the product. For all we know it could just be for ‘entertainment purposes only.’
Sippy Cup Mom says
That’s true! The whole commercial had a weird vibe to me for some reason.
Courtney says
Sounds like her endorsement earned her a nice chunk of change and she probably “needed” the money. Definitely a mixed (and poor choice) message.
Brett Martin says
Very interesting. This is the exact same type of advertising that caused chaos during begining of the tobacco era with Joe Camel. There are so many unknown things about the side of effects from long term use of e-cigs. says
This is why you practice what you preach. These things come back to haunt you. I hate when celebrities say one thing yet do another. They aren’t even thinking that their actions are contradicting one another.
Veronica says
I saw this too and was just as shocked as you! My first impression is that it’s true ” everyone has a price” I guess. She sold out for sure
Digna D. says
I couldn’t care less what she does either way. I have brought my children up to not smoke and to this day I know that none of them do. Nobody is perfect and we all have bad habits but I am happy that this is one thing we have impressed on our children from day one.
Sippy Cup Mom says
I hope that I can impress this onto my children too!
Mitch says
It’s all about the money! She has to take what she can before she loses her “The View” gig.
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting says
I don’t really have an opinion on Jenny. I don’t think she’s ridiculous for her anti-vaccine stance, I feel all parents should make informed decisions about their children. As for ecigs, I don’t even know what they are so I can’t really comment about chemicals or anything, we don’t smoke.
Sippy Cup Mom says
I don’t mean to call her ridiculous. I definitely think everyone should make informed decisions ad I really hate judging – in fact, I did a post about not judging other moms, lol – but it just struck me the wrong way. We don’t smoke either but I have read about ecigs and the unknown is scary.
I just think it’s unfortunate that both cigarette and e-cigarette advertising is shown to kids. Take away the vaccine stuff and it would still surprise me that a Mom would promote it.
Kimberly Grabinski says
I think there is actually a difference between injecting kids with something that is supposed to help them but that may include harmful chemicals, and an adult making a conscious decision to smoke something they know may be harmful.
Do I think it was the best move for her image, clearly not. But I also don’t think one necessarily contradicts the other.
As someone who cares about the brands and products I promote across the board, I am very careful about who and what I put my seal of approval on. But taking a stance on one issue doesn’t necessarily define her as the poster child for a healthy lifestyle – I never considered her a health spokesperson anyway.
Sippy Cup Mom says
You’re right, I never defined her as the poster child for healthy living either! Vaccines aside, it still surprises me that a Mom would promote it.
Kimberly Grabinski says
I think I am also just not surprised by celebrity endorsements anymore. Hollywood is like another planet LOL.
Susanna @Zealous Mom says
The researcher who did the now infamous study on autism and vaccines refuted the results a couple of years ago saying his sample was flawed or something like that. I do think it’s strange that she would be so au-natural when it comes to vaccines then smoke these weird e-cigs. I don’t get it.
Debbie Denny says
I don’t see the sense in her commercials. She supposedly gives up cigs…. never knew she smoked.
Mommy Has A Life says
I am definitely thinking she was paid to endorse that. I think if she wants to portray her anti chemical image that is on the anti vaccine rampage she should not be endorsing an ecigarette. It definitely makes her lose credibility. :-/
Christie says
I’m not surprised at all. She’s a wackadoo!
Bekki says
This is the first I have seen about this commercial. I don’t think any tobacco products should be promoted on tv but that is of course my opinion. I think the same about alcohol also and rubbers and pads but now I’m getting kinda crazy! lol
Kiwi says
Great perspective and I agree with you. I have an autistic brother and I understand Jenny’s hurt and pain against vaccines, after all my brother was diagnosed in the 80s after his 18 month vaccine and his entire cognative development went into reverse. I dont agree with Jenny being a hypocrite…but you know these celebs need to make money and hopped on a endorsement because her books must not be selling, she isnt booking many tv/movie deals…yeah her Singled Out days are over…she is just trying to get some cash…hmmm.
Carly says
Oh dear. It sure is disappointing to see her doing these ads!
Carly Bellard says
Eh- I am kinda on the fence with this. If she is promoting it as a way to quit-ok. If she is saying that this should be added to your adult nights out- no.
teresa mccluskey says
I don’t really keep up with the clebs, but this one right here really gets to me! I mean seriously can she be any more fake?
Jenni E. {Sweet Pennies from Heaven} says
I’ve never been a big fan of hers anyway. I can’t say one way or another, on her stance as a promoter of the brand. I guess what she does is her business, but I’m sure she did lose tons of credibility with alot of moms out there.
April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition says
I think she really needs to look at the different messages she’s sending. I can’t say I’m a big fan of hers anyway and really don’t get the whole ecig thing as a “safe” alternative to smoking.
Felicia says
This really scares me too. I don’t keep up with her.
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
I completely understand your point but the e-cigarettes have helped people to quit smoking. Maybe someone who is a smoker will see the e-cig and decide to use that instead.
Krystal says
She makes me laugh so I love her. I always have (even though I didn’t agree with her vaccine stance). My kiddo is vaccinated and I didn’t even delay them. I just did what my doctor recommended. E-cigs are very popular in the town that I live in. I feel like everyone has one hanging around their neck or are smoking them at bars. It’s very bizarre because I don’t get it!
Rosey says
We were flying last weekend and the stewardess announced that no smoking was permitted, not even e-cigarettes, and I laughed. I guess they are becoming pretty popular though.
Dawn says
Jenny McCarthy is kind of a strange person to begin with. She is all for not vaccinating because she is worried about autism, yet she has been naked in more magazines than any of us can count. Like that has no effect on children. I think she needs to pick and side and stick with it.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest says
I was shocked myself the first time that I saw the commercial. Not because she was advertising for an adult product but because she seems so flippant in the commercial. She strikes me as the type that if there was a commercial promoting something to her son and he tried it she’d want to sue and boycott them but it was okay for her to be in this commercial that I was watching with 4 year old niece who started imitating smoking a cigarette? I lost a lot of respect for her when I saw that 🙁
Jennifer Bullock {MommyBKnowsBest} says
Hmmm I haven’t done much research on e-cigs but nonetheless I get what you are talking about and unfortunately there are so many people, including us sometimes that contradict ourselves. We always want better for our kiddos but being in the public eye and a role model is a tricky position and IMO not something to be taken lightly.
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick says
I don’t know if she smoked real cigarettes or not before but my guess would be that’s what she’s referring to. Not everyone speaks precisely and since I’m not in her head I don’t know what her intent was.
Pam says
It is all about the dollar and this commercial probably doesn’t ever really reflect her real life. I know she is currently engaged to Donnie Wahlburg so I doubt she would be out chasing down male company, LOL
Also, I hate those cigarettes too as far as being allowed indoors. I think Los Angeles have banned them also.
shaunie says
I dont agree for sure. A chemical is a chemical.
Jessica (Savory Experiments) says
I saw that commercial and had the same exact reaction. I’m not so sure I’m a fan of her in general.
Ashley says
This would surprise me as well. I’ll have to look into it.
Becka says
Yeah… uhh I’m a little confused. I’m not a smoker and have never really felt the want so I haven’t ever heard of Blu or what it is but I just wonder who thought that would even look appealing. Chemicals are chemicals different but the same
Tonia @TheChattyMomma says
Jenny McCarthy knows nothing. She annoys me with being so vocal about vaccinations when she has not scientific proof to support her claim. I’m not surprised she’s promoting Blu. Just annoyed even more.
Angie Big Bear's Wife says
Well they do say that money talks. I have a feeling a lot of these people promote stuff just for the cash!
Alissa says
Oh, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Sometimes I wish actors/actresses would stick to movies and TV, without all the “everyone is hanging on my every word and needs to know every detail of my life” type of feeling.
Cam | Bibs and Baubles says
Hadn’t thought about it that way. Great point. You’re right though, she is an odd spokesperson for it.
Jessica Urgelles says
Jenny McCarthy is an odd spokesperson for anything. I’m not sure why anyone would take advice from her about anything other than working in the film industry.
Christina S says
I guess they’re better than regular cigarettes, but still.. It seems really weird to me.
Amanda says
I would never follow any ideas or products she promotes; however, I’m shocked and scared by people that take her word (and her product pimping) and actually follow it. Scary!
April Smith Decheine says
She is a celebrity, I don’t pay attention. I do my own research for things I put into my body if it is questionable.
Jennifer B says
I haven’t looked too much into either thing – vaccinations or ecigarettes – so I can’t really comment. I can say that I think the ecig is really weird.
Amanda Love - Growing Up Madison says
I saw the commercial and knowing nothing about these new cigarettes I can’t say anything. I’m sure she did it for the paycheck but maybe she should be more careful about what she endorses.
Shannon says
I hate this girl. She is an idiot and I can’t stand her.