Lyme disease has become prevalent among people living in North America and Europe. Lyme disease causes several symptoms, some of which may weaken the person. In recent days, CBD-based medicines have been used to treat Lyme disease. You can cure the symptoms associated with Lyme disease by using high potency CBD gummies, such as pain, nausea, spasms, depression, anxiety, etc.
Lyme disease is often confused with other health conditions. It is difficult to diagnose this condition due to the various symptoms. People with Lyme disease have gotten relief from these symptoms by using CBD. CBD products are effective against the several symptoms of Lyme disease.
What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease of bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii. It is a microbial infection caused by tick bites, and it is also called Lyme borreliosis. The infected tick bites the human and transmits the bacteria into the blood circulation. This disease often results in life-threatening health issues when not treated properly.
You can treat Lyme disease with antibiotics by health care professionals. At first, this treatment is effective in curing the disease. The people may experience the symptoms even after the completion of treatment. We term this condition as Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), which comes after the post-treatment.
People with Lyme disease are struggling a lot to manage their symptoms. You have to learn more about the symptoms associated with Lyme disease and the effect of CBD on this condition.
Symptoms of Lyme disease
You can notice symptoms from 3-30 days after the bite. There are early signs and symptoms based on their occurrence.
- Early signs and symptoms
People affected by this disease have a tick bite as a first symptom. It gives the appearance of a bullseye having a round spot and the ring surrounding it. Most people are not aware of this symptom, and there will be a delay in diagnosis of the disease, and a tick bite will get the rash called erythema migrans. Other symptoms are flu-like symptoms with pain, eyesight problems, numbness, chest pain, arthritis, vertigo, mental disturbance, and infections such as fever, headaches, chills, swollen glands, fatigue, etc. There will be a delay in diagnosing these symptoms and result in PTLDS.
- Late signs and symptoms
Late signs and symptoms occur in people even after the treatment, and they are body aches, joint pain, nerve pain, dizziness, neurological problems such as paralysis, and facial palsy.
Lyme disease and CBD for relief
You have to treat Lyme disease immediately after the diagnosis to get cured completely. You can protect yourself from the illness by simple gestures, avoid the places where there is a tick and wear clothes accordingly. The antibiotics work wonders to treat Lyme disease for several weeks. It is highly effective if the patient takes medications as directed by the health care professional. The symptoms may not get a cure after completing the course of antibiotics. CBD cannot cure this disease, but it acts as a remedy under this condition.
CBD is one of the active ingredients present in the cannabis plant. Like tetrahydrocannabinol, it will not have any intoxicating effects. It has become popular and used by people to treat different health ailments. This drug is available in various forms, such as oil and tinctures, capsules, topical, gummies, etc. Many strains of cannabis are there, which contain terpenes responsible for giving flavor and smell. Terpenes are responsible for providing relief to the pain compared to other benefits. The terpenes, THC, and CBD, work together and provide an entourage effect. The companies prefer hemp instead of marijuana to extract CBD oil. It is because hemp contains tetrahydrocannabinol less than 0.3%, which may not make you high.
Cannabidiol helps relieve Lyme disease symptoms by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in the body. It contains a series of receptors called CB1 and CB 2 receptors, and they are chemicals called endocannabinoids. These receptors bind to the endocannabinoids and produce a biochemical function that can maintain homeostasis in the body. ECS is responsible for different roles in our body, such as mood enhancement, appetite, immunity, movement, and many more. CBD activates the ECS by slowing down the breakdown of endocannabinoids such as anandamide.
Now we will look at the function of CBD for Lyme disease
Many chemicals are present in the cannabis plants, such as cannabinoids like CBD. Its function in treating Lyme disease is enhancing the immune system and helping to modulate the immune system by offering an anti-inflammatory effect. The common reason for pain is inflammation and pain caused by Lyme disease. Reducing the pain by CBD helps to relieve you from physical discomforts, such as pain. The edibles can treat insomnia by controlling pain and anxiety. Poor sleep quality causes fatigue. Due to Lyme disease, there is a disruption of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to inadequate sleep. Doctors may prescribe a hypotonic drug which may result in many side effects. Therefore, people are interested in CBD to improve sleep quality and be sustained over time.
The benefits of cannabidiol to Lyme disease further extend and promote antibacterial effects. The drug is effective against bacteria present in the body, especially those responsible for Lyme disease. It can also be combined with antibiotics and used as a medicine to treat Lyme disease. It acts as an antioxidant to prevent free radical formation. CBD has a positive effect on mood, sleep, and any other conditions. Its oil is consumed by people, placing it under their tongue for 60 to 90 seconds, and then it is swallowed. It may help the users to experience its effect throughout the body.
People move towards topical CBD, which can be applied, over the affected areas. The capsules are a convenient and discreet way to consume CBD, which gives an immediate result.
Everyone should know about Lyme disease, caused by tick bites. The insects are multiplying in large numbers currently. The conventional treatment for Lyme disease may take several years to cure their symptoms, and for this reason, they consider this drug to relieve pain. Relieving pain might improve the quality of life. For people with Lyme disease, using CBD products like cdb cherry gummies help them to free themselves from pain and other symptoms. Before consuming it consult with a physician, and they will guide you on how to use the products safely and effectively to cure your condition. Ensure you are purchasing CBD products from a reputed company, and they have published third-party lab test reports.
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