So week two of The South Beach Diet is over!
I am feeling great! More energy and no cravings for all the carbs I used to eat!
(Well, I did really want popcorn when we went to the movies last week but Heath was smart and had me bring some cheese to snack on!)
I didn’t do the elliptical as much as I should have last week, so that is my goal for this week.
I lost 2.8 pounds last week making my total weight loss for my first 2 weeks…
Phase One is supposed to end tomorrow and I am able to add some fruit back into my diet. I may try apples and peaches since they are low on the glycemic index and I’ll see how my body reacts.
Good job! It really is tough to beat the craving, but sounds as though you are doing awesome!
Congrats! I am on day 4 of the south beach and craving chocolate like a crazy person! Hoping I can stick with it:)
That's a great loss! I'm only stepping on the scale on Thursdays so I'm not sure if I've lost anything so far on my first week of weight watchers. Hope phase two of south beach is good to you!
Awesome job!!! Keep doing what works for you!
Way to go! I have to be careful as I try to lose weight since I am nursing. Even though I get the extra calories, it is still so tough! Good luck to you! 7.6 lbs is amazing!
GREAT JOB!!! I am so, so proud of you!!!!
Good for you! Thanks for linking up with us again! Keep up the good work!!!
That is awesome!! Did you sign up online for the south beach diet? How did you get started? Keep up the awesome work!!
Hey there..popping in from the link up at Heidi-D!
Good for you..I have done the south beach before and it DOES work! You have done well in the first two weeks-high 5!!
You are doing awesome with South Beach. I tried that a few years back and was quite successful. Wish I had it in me to do it again. Have a great week!