Last Friday I was on a local news show called Show Me St. Louis!
Heath came with me so he could help set up all the items I was bringing in to review! It was very cool being in the studio.
The segment was called Mommy Must Have’s and which celebrities are using the products!
So what do you think? Be gentle, it was my first TV appearance!
I am also giving away these items! Except for the iCandy Peach Stroller (which is AMAZING!), I would love to be giving that away but instead I am giving away the super functional iCandy Diaper Bag!
Enter to win the Shake Weight!
Enter to win a Girls Dress from La Petite Couture!
Enter to win a iCandy Diaper Bag!
Your accent is so cute!
LOL, thank you! I <3 your accent!
Awesome! I think you did a wonderful job! I liked your sandals; very cute.
Thank you so much Shelly!
You did awesome! 🙂 Great Job!
Thank you Brooke!
You did a wonderful job! I didn’t realise you were a St. Louis mommy. I’m a cornfield mommy a little north of you.
Aw, thank you so much!
And how neat! I love finding people close by!
Again…you did so awesome! I seriously would have been a mess up there. You’re a natural!
You’re so sweet! Thank you!
You did great!!
Thank you!
Melissa, you never cease to amaze me! You seriously are THE hardest working blogger I know. I bow down.
What an awesome experience!
Oh stop! 😉
It was an amazing experience for sure!