Are you feeling confused if you *really* need that serum or not? Or do the extensive options for mild cleansers available online overwhelm you?
Well, we are here to help you out.
The skin care industry is booming with new formulations and exclusive product launches every alternate weekend. So, it’s understandable if you need more information on what to try and avoid.
One of the most common doubts millennials often have is whether they should follow a separate skincare regime for day and night. In this blog, we will clear your doubts and give you clarity about your investment in skincare products.
What’s there to know about day and night skincare routine?
Skincare is personal. Finding your perfect skincare routine seems tedious, but the feeling is surreal once you discover what works for you. Every skin type is different. Some people need more moisture while others have more oil, so there is no one-size-fits-all skincare routine. One must research ( and experiment) to find a skincare routine that works for them.
One need not follow a strict 10-step skincare routine, but if the lineup of products used in the morning and nighttime is the same, there might be an issue. Although certain products-cleansers, creams, and serums are common, you must draw a line as both routines serve different purposes.
Day v/s Night skincare routine: Where lies the difference?
Even though the end goal of skincare seems the same- to have the glowing skin of your dreams, the route to get there is considerably distinct for both day and night skincare routines.
Fundamentally, your daytime skincare routine should consist of fewer steps and focus primarily on nourishment and protection as you are going to step out and expose your skin to dirt and harmful UV rays of the sun. You should avoid photosensitive ingredients such as skincare acids and retinoids, as they can lead to or worsen your hyperpigmentation. The most crucial element in your daytime skincare routine is sunscreen.
On the other hand, the night skincare routine mainly focuses on providing extra nourishment to your skin while healing it. At night, you can also apply active ingredients targeting skin care issues like pigmentation, dark spots, dark circles, etc.
How SIMPLE should your skincare routine be?
Choose the skincare routine that you can religiously follow!
It’s as simple as that. There is no point in investing in numerous products and swearing to follow a 10-step skincare routine but failing to follow it even for a week.
Some people enjoy their multi-step skincare routine and believe in spending time caring for and pampering their skin. But some people do not have time for it and simply do not enjoy it.
In most cases, simple skincare is the way to go. Always consider your lifestyle and keep your dermatologist in the loop when indulging in skincare products.
Morning Skincare Routine:
As mentioned earlier, the morning skincare routine should be non-fussy, focusing mainly on keeping the skin lighter and protecting it against the sun.
For your morning skincare routine, you can follow these saving and efficient steps:
#1. Cleanser:
- Start your day by cleansing your face with cold water.
- Use a gentle cleanser for your skin type so it can retain some of its inherent moisture.
- Use a gel or double cleanse for the extra measure.
#2. Toner:
Use a toner right after cleansing your face. Toners exfoliate your skin from its dead cells. If your toner contains active ingredients such as glycolic acid, use it only at night.
#3. Moisturizer:
Besides hydrating skin, moisturizer seals in all the other product layers you’ve put on. For morning use, look for a light-textured moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or above. You can use a thicker night cream, especially if you have dry skin or live in a dry climate. Dry skin types may apply cream at night and in the morning.
#4. Sunscreen:
Aging and skin cancer can be avoided by shielding your skin from UV radiation. You must wear sunscreen even if there is SPF present in your moisturizer. To ensure that chemical sunscreen is still effective, wait 20 minutes before going outside. Seek sunscreen with broad-spectrum SPF, which offers protection against UVA and UVB rays.
You might also include serums and spot treatment creams in your day skincare regime ( as per your dermatologist). After skincare, you can apply your CC cream or primer.
Now, you might wonder how a CC Cream fits into a minimal or no makeup routine. Well, that’s the catch here! If CC cream reviews are to be believed, some revolutionary products in the market today multi-functions as a skincare and makeup. So if this isn’t a win, we don’t know what is!
Night Skincare Routine:
Your night skincare routine should emphasize the regeneration of your skin. A simple night skincare routine can include the following steps:
#1. Cleanser: Cleanse your face properly with a gentle cleanser after a long, hard day. CC cream, foundation, and other products should be properly cleaned from your face. Double cleaning is often recommended for breaking down dirt and preparing the skin to absorb other products well.
#2. Retinoids: Retinoids are vitamin A-derived products that improve skin texture and tone and can help prevent fine lines by stimulating collagen production. They are highly photosensitive and should be applied during nighttime only.
#3. Moisturizer: After using retinol, remember to lock in its nutrients with a layer of moisturizer.
Wrapping up,
In our fast-paced lives, skincare may seem difficult. But sparing a few minutes for your skin daily is crucial to maintaining its overall health.
Always consult your dermatologist when introducing your skin to new products or facing issues with the old ones.
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