Today is the start of World Breastfeeding Week! Breastfeeding means a lot to me…when I became pregnant with my son 6 years ago, there was no doubt that I wanted to try breastfeeding. For some reason, I thought it was going to be super simple. Well, it wasn’t! It was tough and I cried and struggled but in the end we were able to get into a groove and I loved the bonding time it gave me with him. Due to having surgery, I had to stop when he was 4 months, but I loved that time I had.
Then, I became pregnant with twins last year! Again, I anted to breastfeed but I knew it was going to be tough. I did a lot of researching and reading and I had a wonderful lactation consultant. Even though I’m supplementing right now, my girls are 5 months old and I’m still breastfeeding them. With twins, it can get crazy so I love that I have one on one time with them where I can really get to know them and spend time with them!
In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week Our Knight Life is giving away a prize pack full of products designed to help support breastfeeding! The Naturally Nursing Event Prize Pack is packed full of amazing products from companies you will love!
Co-hosted by: Sippy Cup Mom, Joy of Momma Joyner, Lilac City Momma, We Have It All, Happenings of The Harper Household
Win It!
One winner will take home everything below!
A Beco Soleil in Stella:
The Beco Soleil is the newest baby carrier from Beco and has all the features you could want out of a carrier. Designed for infants 7lbs-45lbs, this carrier can be used for front facing in, hip, and back carries. It can be used for newborns through toddlerhood (7lbs-45lbs). Padded legs, padded headrest, dual adjusting shoulder straps, and a built in pocket, key, and toy ring makes this carrier super functional. Breastfeeding in this carrier is super easy. Just lower the straps until baby is at breast level, and latch baby on. The hood can be used for added privacy. Beco Soleil retails for $130.
2 Week Supply of Milky!:
Using natural and organic ingredients, Milky! was designed by a pediatrician to help boost the quality and quantity of breast milk. Just drink two a day! 2 week supply retails for $59.98
Chewbeads Jane Necklace:
Chewbeads Jane Necklace is the original designed necklace made from 100% silicone. Perfect for teething babies, or helping to keep baby’s hands occupied while breastfeeding. Instead of pinching and scratching, baby can play with a soft colorful necklace while nursing! Retails for $29.50.
$30 Gift Credit to Undercover Mama:
The Undercover Mama Nursing tank turns any shirt into a nursing shirt. By simply attaching your tank to any nursing bra, you can easy and discreetly nurse your baby. No more showing off your sides while baby eats! Available in a vary of styles and colors. Winner gets a $30 gift credit.
Lansinoh Gift Pack:
Lansinoh is a leader in breastfeeding gear! From the Lanolin to disposable breastpads any nursing mama will be thankful to have these supplies! The winner will take home the following – a $42 value!
- 40g – HPA Lanolin
- 50ct – Breastmilk Storage Bags
- 60ct – Disposable Nursing Pads
- 2ct – Soothies Gel Pads
This prize package is worth $291.48!
Please use the below rafflecopter form to enter the giveaway. The giveaway is open to US only and will end on August 15th, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I received no compensation for hosting this giveaway. This blog is not responsible for shipping, lost, or stolen prizes.
The Beco Soleil in Stella! It looks so comfortable!
A Beco Soleil in Stella… This one looks so much easier than the one I had with my first child!
I’m most excited for the Undercover Mama gift credit!
I’m most excited for the Beco Soleil and the Milky!!
The Beco Soleil! I have a Moby wrap but have only used it twice. It is such a production to get it on every time so I think a structured carrier is the way to go. Great giveaway, thanks!
I reallyyyyyy would love the beco because I have a serious baby wearing addiction!
I’m most excited about the Beco Soliel….but I love them all!!!
i want to try the Beco carrier !
I’m most excited for the gift certificate for Undercover Mama. You can never have too much nursing gear! I’d also love to get my hands on that Beco!
Would love to try the Chewbeads Jane Necklace. My little one loves to pull and try to chew on my necklaces. Would love something that is trendy-looking yet safe for baby!
The undercover mama tank becasue everyone saw my floppy tummy the first time around.
Love the chewbeads and beco!
I think the Lasinoh package – for my sister
The chewbeads! My daughter is starting to teeth and these would be very helpful!
excited about Lansinoh Gift Package because I know my daughter needs it.
I am most excited about the Beco Soleil in Stella…. I need a new carrier and have heard great things about beco
Milky is what I’m most excited about!
I would love to try out a beco carrier, so I’m most excited about that prize!
I’m most excited by the chew beads and beco! I’m a babywearing mama but don’t have a beco yet! And the chew beads would help out my teething baby!
I’m most excited about the undercover mama credit
I’m most excited about the Undercover Mama giftcard and the carrier
The Beco Soleil , because it looks so comfortable and my daughter loves being held!
I am so excited for everything because I am due to have a baby in a few short weeks 🙂 But, I am most excited about the Beck because I cant wait to wear my baby 🙂
Beco* sorry
most excited by under cover momma, really solves a problem for me 🙂
Nursing tank and lanisinoh products!
Oh my goodness! I REALLY want the Beco Soleil in Stella!!!!
Very excited for the Beco Soleil!
Most excited about the Undercover Mama credit…you have no idea how many cami straps I’ve ripped in the past 10 weeks because of not having nursing camis!
The Beco Soliel looks wonderful to wear
would be awesome to win this
Awesome prizes!
I’d love to try the Undercover Mama shirt.
I would love to try the beco soleil I am always looking for a comfortable baby carrier. My back always seems to hurt
i think the undercover mama giftcard. having trouble finding clothes to breastfeed in that go with my work attire.