Social media influencers make it look so easy. From the perfectly-shot photos and witty captions to the exclusive event invitations and seemingly endless opportunity to travel, dine and mix-and-mingle, they seem to have it all. Influencer marketing has become one of the most used ways of advertising as nowadays internet users surfing in social media for an average of 150 minutes per day. The main social media platforms that are used for promoting the brands are Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube. Before starting the collaboration with influencers businesses are checking some criteria and metrics that help them to decide if that influencer is the one who can promote their brand and increase sales and engagement or not. Influencer marketing ROI is the most reliable metric for the final decision, which allows marketers to measure clicks, customer loyalty, likes, reaches, and views and figure out if the influencer is the right one for their campaign or not. Also, you’re not seeing the fact that they use a lot of different social media growth companies that help them grow. One such company is Media Mister which offers many different packages and deals no matter what platform you choose. You can read an extensive review about on The Small Business Blog. Think you’ve got what it takes to become an influencer? Read on for a few tips and tricks of the trade.
Determine What You Want to Do
Do you have a love for fashion? Maybe you’re a home-cook who fancies herself a foodie? Or, perhaps you’re a busy mom with lots of stories to tell about your day-to-day with your kiddos. Before taking the first step into the social media space as an influencer you’ll want to have a clear idea of the type of content you’ll be providing to your audience. The space is full of witty and personable bloggers and influencers which means you’ll have to set yourself apart. Show off what makes you unique. You’ve got to be more than just a foodie, maybe you’re a vegan who loves dessert — run with it. And just because you’re an authority in your close circle of friends on all things fashion doesn’t mean you’ll have much cred online, but perhaps you know how to sew. Online audiences want to see something different. Ask yourself how you are different from what’s already out there and get started.
Create a Blog
Once you’ve got a clear idea of the type of content you want to make you might consider creating a blog. There are numerous easy-to-use platforms available that can make creating and managing a blog a breeze. Choose a format or host that works best for your material, whether you’re making videos, showcasing photos or working with words, there are different layouts and platforms that will work best for each. Check out Squarespace, Wix and WordPress and compare and be sure to check out real life examples like Amway’s blog or top mom blogger Lenore Skenazy’s blog Free Range Kids for inspiration. Some influencers can get by without having a home base or blog, and instead they use social media sites like Instagram as a micro-blog space. This idea is also worth exploring.
Create a Media Kit
After your site is up and running you might notice requests start to trickle into your inbox about partnerships, paid and sponsored posts. These types of messages are exciting, but don’t be caught off guard. Be ready to respond with your media kit. Don’t have one? You need to make one. This kit will include a description of your brand, your rates and plenty of material that shows potential partners why they should work with you. For a quick how-to visit The Blog Maven to get a rundown on the importance of a media kit and what it should include.
Get Schooled
The social media space is constantly changing. Content just keeps getting better and better in thanks to the many talented men and women out there blogging today. From beautifully-done video content to professional-grade photos, the competition is fierce. If you’re ready to take your blogging to the next level or if you’re searching for a way to build a particular skill you’ll want to check out Udemy. This online resource offers over 55,000 online courses that cover a wide-range of topics all of which are led by expert instructors. So, whether you want to learn coding basics or how to operate a DSLR camera, you can find a course on Udemy.
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