Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NUK. The opinions and text are all mine.
Six years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my son, I was so excited to start shopping and getting the nursery prepared for his arrival. It seems that my whole pregnancy revolved around spending time on pregnancy and baby message boards, reading baby books to find out what the best products would be and of course, getting advice from family and friends.
I researched the best and safest cribs, car seats, baby bottles, strollers and more. My husband and I would spend our weekends wandering through Babies R Us or Target, just checking out all of the baby stuff. When it came time to register for our baby boy, I felt that I was prepared and we had so much fun scanning items that we wanted to bring home home for him.
When I found out that I was pregnant last year, I was just as excited but since we had kept most of my son’s baby stuff, I didn’t anticipate having to buy too much. But that all changed when we found out that I was pregnant with twins! All of a sudden I realized that there was so much more we need to buy and that I needed to research! I wanted to make sure to find items that would make life easy with two newborns.
I didn’t anticipate having a shower for my twins, but wanted to set up a registry anyway. Not only are registries great for friends and family that want to shower you with gifts for your little one, it’s a great way to stay organized. I created a few registries to get ready for their arrival so I knew what I had on hand and what I needed to still purchase.
Here are a few of my must-have items to put on your baby registry!
– Boppy Pillow: I used my Boppy pillow with my son for a few years so I definitely knew I wanted another one for the twins. The Boppy pillows can be used for so much! I use them when nursing and bottle feeding, for tummy time and just to give my arms a rest when snuggling with my little ones!
– aden + anais Swaddling Blankets: My son never liked being swaddled but I heard moms raving about these specific swaddling blankets. I am so glad that I bought these huge, soft muslin blankets because they are fantastic! They are great as swaddling blankets, nursing covers and even burp cloths. They are addictive though, as I’ve already bought several blankets.
– Bouncer: Some might say this isn’t a necessary item to go on your registry, but I say it’s a must-have! Bouncers are great to soothe your baby when they are crying and it’s also perfect to put them in if you need to get something done in the kitchen or even take a shower. There are many times that I’ve brought the bouncer in the bathroom with me and put it on the floor while I got a quick shower in.
All of these items are definitely must-have items to go on your baby registry? Another must? The NUK Orthodontic Baby Bottle, the #1 selling orthodontic bottle!
Right now, I’m both breastfeeding my twins and supplementing with formula. I needed to find a bottle that would let them switch back and forth without any fuss and confusion. So many baby bottles haven’t worked out, but the NUK Advanced Orthodontic Bottles do!
Verses a standard bottle nipple, only the NUK bottles have orthodontic nipples and a more advanced design to promote healthy oral development.
- Every nipple includes the NUK® Air System – a unique venting system – which helps reduce colic
- Scientifically designed to mimic mom’s natural nipple shape, making baby’s transition from breast to bottle a seamless one
- Feature trendy designs and interchangeable parts that make it simple to mix and match
I’ve had no problem with my twins switching from breast to bottle and I love that the NUK Air System reduces the bubbles you’ll find in other bottles making a gassy baby. Plus, the bottles are colorful and fun for baby to look at!
So in addition to my baby registry must-haves, I’m definitely recommending that NUK Baby Bottles be added for your baby!
What is/was on your baby registry?
Answer below for a chance for a chance to win one of 20 NUK Orthodontic Bottles! Giveaway ends April 14th.
A baby carrier was always my must-have baby item. I loved wearing my babies and wanted as many different options as possible!
We desperately wanted to get a breast pump. Wish we would have!
dr brown bottles!
Yes this and diapers!!!!
My sister needs it all,,,stroller, crib, maternity cloths, and this bottle
diapers and a new carseat
I am currently pregnant with baby #2, so my must have item for this baby is a breast pump. We have mostly everything else we need, but I want a new pump 🙂
a baby monitor!!
A bassinet is my must have. It helps both baby and Mom sleep better
Totally Toddler Stain & Odor Remover. Love that stuff!
With my first born it was clothing. I couldn’t get enough of those cute little dresses!
A baby carrier. 🙂
an intercom system
A double stroller is a must on my baby registry!
The Baby Bullet!!
Car seat!!!
The snap n’ go is so practical for the first few months.
My must have item was a nice swing (that plugs in!). My sister had twins a little over a year before I got pregnant and I saw what a life saver a quality swing could be!
This is my first and due in sept. so far I have nothing yet so I will be needing a lot. I can’t wait till I can start getting items. I really want a crib that is sturdy and lasts a while
Diapers the more the better. With my daughter I didn’t have to buy diapers for a year and I would love for that to be the case this time around too!
My must have item for all 4 of my girls was a swing, no matter how fussy they were the swing would put them right to sleep.
Our baby swing!
Pretty much everything. A crib probably is the number one.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
A rock n play
diapers, wipes, baby bouncer
I couldn’t live without my boppy!
A Baby Swing!
The infant car seat/carrier, diapers, wipes, boppy, and a pump!
A boppy is such a good thing for a registry bc lots of moms wouldn’t buy it for themselves, but it is such a great thing to have!
With my first i really wanted a video monitor! This time around I am hoping for a rock and play bassinet!
a stroller
Childsafety, and diapers!!!
lots and lots of diapers!
A must have of mine was diapers, bottles and wipes.
A baby carrier! Preferably Ergo, Beco or Boba. With multiple little ones, these carriers allow for a front or back carry, you can even use two at the same time! It’s a must!
Diapers, wipes, bottles, a breast pump and a car seat.
a baby carrier and diapers
I don’t know what to pick! But the baby carrier is definitely something I’m going to be buying. And I’d like to try these out too!