Today is Valentine’s Day. Which means the day can be full of chocolate and candy and wine…..
But not for me!
I’m going to talk about LOVE. Specifically my love for Nutrisystem and the wonderful #NSNation!
I’m going to tell you all. This past week was rough. ROUGH.
I don’t do well under stress. I like to eat because that is comfort to me.
Somehow, SOMEWAY I lost .2 pounds.
.2 pounds brings me to a total weight loss of 16.2 pounds!
Like I said last week, I’ll take it!
I was feeling really down Friday. Really down. I wanted to give up and just say whatever.
But I love the support of my NSNation buddies. I talked to my friend Heather over at Living on Love and Cents and she said something to me that made me cry:
She told me to think about why I made this journey. WHY did I want to lose weight? To feel better? To look better? To get healthier?
She ended it with YOU CAN DO IT!
She totally had me crying at that.
It’s so true.
The reason that I started this journey was so I could get healthy. For myself but most importantly for my family. I want to be there for Heath and Hayden. I want to get healthy and lose weight so I can have another baby.
I want to look better too. I want to feel better.
So Heather and all of my friends give me this great encouragement. The NSNation is amazing. I love to go to the Nutrisystem boards and read all the inspiring stories of people losing weight.
I love Nutrisystem. I really do. It’s yummy food that is the perfect size for me. when I was really following it I was rocking it. Losing weight. More than .2 in a week.
So now the weather is finally getting nicer so I’m hoping to spend some more time exercising outside. I’m going to drink more water. I’m going to resist temptation.
I’d love to hear what people do when they are stressed out! Anything but food!
Make sure you check in with my buddies Heather over at OurKidsMom and Heather at Living on Love and Cents! They are doing a fantastic job too!!
I have some new Nutrisystem buddies that could use some cheering on, too! Please visit Sara at “Deal”icious Mom and Xenia from Thanks Mail Carrier as they share their Nutrisystem journey.
Want to join me on my Nutrisystem journey yourself? Sign up and receive a special offer or call 1-888-853-4689!
Truthful Mommy says
I love it! Go girl! I;ve had that kind of week too! I’m at 17.5 lbs but I expected to be further. I just have to keep reminding myself that anything is better than being up a pound. We can do it Melissa!!!WE can!!Let’s do it!! *HUGS* My NSNation friend!
marissa says
oh so happy you have SO much support 🙂 When I was stressed I used to turn to food for so many years, now I find that exercise is my stress-relief! once you find the RIGHT exercise for you, you’ll see how amazing you’ll feel and I turn to working out when things are not going my way and it makes things SO much better! Sounds silly, but true. You are doing amazing, keep up the AMAZING work!!!!
erica k says
a weight-loss after this week is AWESOME!!!! Congrats. You are doing amazing and always inspire me. <3
Xenia @ Thanks, Mail Carrier says
You’re rocking it, Girl! I knew you would. Especially after your tough week, you should be extra proud of yourself for having done such a great job… and every .2 matters because in the end it’ll all lead to you being even a tiny bit more healthy!
Amanda says
You just keep on chipping away at that scale! You are doing fantastic.
I am dieting too and what keeps me focused when stressed is focusing on the things I need to do. When I want to pop something forbidden in my mouth I empty out the dishwasher, or do the laundry. There is always something to clean around here…and if I don’t clean I will pop on a movie, or grab a book. It calms me, and I get through it.
Good luck!
Emily faliLV says
You are doing great!! And Heather is pretty awesome. But so are you – you always have a kind word too! – PS Stole your Heart Button…I will give you props though…
Carrie with Children says
You are doing great! As I like to remind myself that every little bit counts! Hooray for your .2 You are awesome!
Kelly from Kelly's Lucky You says
OMG, I just finished my post, went over to #NSNation to tweet it out and saw your tweet. I hopped over here and OMG – it must be the Valentine’s thing – My post is Weekly Weigh In – And Who Are You Doing This For? Thanks for sharing your reason… and a big HUG to you!!!
liz says
Good for you! And, yes, you have been in extremely stressful situations lately! Hopefully, things are on the up and up with Hayden and life will settle down for you guys.
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
Having gone through what you went through this past week probably makes it even more clear to you that what you’re doing is a good thing. You were there when you were needed this week, and you want to ALWAYS be there. You are doing really well. Rock it, my friend!
Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas says
Your total loss is awesome! Your doing a great job. The great thing is you get to start fresh with a new week! You’ll do great! Your already doing fantastic! Keep up your hard work!
KLZ says
Diet Dr. Pepper baby!!! Life’s great indulgence!
You’re doing great – nice job M-Money!
(It’s ok if I call you M-Money, isn’t it?)
Meredith says
You are doing great! And I am so proud of you and all the NSNation 🙂 Just remember the following: stay positive and remember it’s a journey and we’re here to support you every step of the way!!