Thirteen weeks down on Nutrisystem!
This week has been a tough week for me.
I got back from Blissdom and it was sort of hard to get right back in the swing of things.
Lately Hayden has also been wanting to try all of my yummy foods too!
My favorite Nutrisystem meal is the Italian Herb Flatbread Pizza. I like to add a string cheese melted on it as a dairy and some pineapple too.
Unfortunately, it seems to be a favorite of Hayden’s also!

Wednesday was Hayden’s 3rd birthday and I had a cake for him. Of course, Mama had to try a piece.
I was happy though when I weighed in. I didn’t have a loss OR a gain.
I was still at a 16 pound weight loss!
I’m still blown away that I have lost 16 pounds!
Next week I’m hoping to add a picture like Heather from Living on Love and Cents did today! She showed off her jeans from 13 weeks ago and how much room there is! I need to do that with my jeans that are 3 sizes bigger than what I’m wearing today!
She also did a great job of reminding me that I need to drink my water!!!
Check back next week when Emily from Family and Life in Las Vegas and I will be interviewing each other in a Vlog about Nutrisystem!
Make sure you check in with my buddies Heather over at OurKidsMom and Heather at Living on Love and Cents! They are doing a fantastic job too!!
I have some new Nutrisystem buddies that could use some cheering on, too! Please visit Sara at “Deal”icious Mom and Xenia from Thanks Mail Carrier as they share their Nutrisystem journey.
Want to join me on my Nutrisystem journey yourself? Sign up and receive a special offer or call 1-888-853-4689!
Disclosure: Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. All opinions are 100% mine.
Great Job! I can’t wait to see the pictures!
Thanks so much Amanda! I’m actually excited to take a pic!
Can’t wait to see you in the way-too-big jeans!!
I think you’re doing awesome, Mama! 16 pounds and 3 pants sizes is amazing for 13 weeks… you’re rocking it!
How awesome! You are doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to finally meet you at Disney Social Media Moms. You are going to be such a hot mama!
Thanks Mama! 😉 I hope to lose another 10-15 in the next….5 weeks!!! Eeeek!
Can’t wait to meet you!
You are doing so AWESOME! I’m excited for you!
Thank you Carrie!!!
Yay! So proud of you and your weight loss! Such an inspiration
Thank you Tara, you are too sweet! <3
Well, I am just so bummed we didn’t have the chance to really visit at Blissdom. I live in Kansas City and have one kiddo. And am currently doing Weight Watchers. I would say we have a few things in common! 🙂
You are doing great! Keep it up girl!
16lbs in 13 weeks is AMAZING. And with all the stress you’re going through, you’re doing great!!! proud of you. Happy to be following along with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Love it.