Anyone who has ever faced addiction knows full-well just how rocky the road to recovery can be. Sometimes they fought addiction for years before finally finding the resources they needed to help them through the painful moments when addiction was proving to be stronger than they had ever imagined. Those successful in their recovery will gladly tell you that although the work is yours, there are resources out there to lighten your load a bit. Here are three of the leading resources you can call upon if you are in your own, personal battle with addiction.
1. Inpatient Care in a Treatment Center
Although you may not have the resources or the availability of a residential treatment program, most cities now have detox facilities that are there to get you safely through those first few days. They are usually set up to accept patients undergoing withdrawal for the first 72 hours, perhaps longer if medically necessary. From there, they have a list of resources in the community to pick up where detox left off in assisting you through recovery.
Effective drug detox treatment can only be achieved if the individual is in a safe and supportive environment that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of withdrawal. These detox facilities often provide crucial medical supervision, ensuring that the process is as comfortable and manageable as possible.
2. Telehealth for Drug Addiction Recovery
One of the services an addiction counselor might put you in touch with is a facility that offers telehealth for drug addiction recovery. This is accomplished by meeting with your provider, be it a counselor, nurse or doctor, via phone calls or videoconferencing. Telehealth is an amazing bit of technology designed to serve a greater number of clients expeditiously.
Although sessions are usually booked in advance, much like a counseling session or doctor appointment, some have the capacity to connect with clients in crisis. If this service is available to you, take it! Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies and it’s altogether too easy to explain why we couldn’t make meetings or sessions, but if you have a mobile device, your excuses are limited. Besides, you want to recover, so utilize every tool in your power because they are there to help you on your journey.
3. 12 Step Meetings
In fact, 12 Step Meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have been so very successful that there are now 12 Step programs for everything from gambling addictions to eating disorders. AA began in 1935 in Akron, Ohio by Bill W and Dr. Bob S, both addicts themselves, and as mentioned, it became so successful that addicts of every kind now have their own 12 steps to work.
That being said, the one thing you will need would be a sponsor. This is someone who has worked all 12 steps and has been in recovery for a relatively long period of time. Even sponsors who have relapsed are helpful because they can help you through those relapses that many, if not most, addicts experience. Also, there is no need to pick and choose between resources because each one has a place, and all are beneficial tools you can take advantage of.
The road to recovery may be long, but you aren’t walking those 12 Steps alone. There are resources to guard you through your darkest hours.
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