Mother’s day is May 14th . What better way to show your mother how much you love and appreciate her then sending her the most beautiful flowers from Teleflora. Teleflora’s flowers are not only elegant and beautiful, they fill the whole house with the most wonderful smells.
Teleflora’s Mother’s Day campaign this year is “Just Like Her.” It reminds us how influential she has been to us and how we should honor her.
My mom has been a huge influence in my life. Sometimes I will even say, “I am my mother.” I never realized how much my mom did for us growing up; the unselfish acts. She always provided unconditional love that I now take with me to teach my children. I honor my mom and all of the things she does for my family.
This year I will be sending my mom a bouquet of flowers from Teleflora. Check out the gorgeous selection and many more on Teleflora’s website.
Teleflora’s NEW Mother’s Day floral arrangements and keepsake containers include:
(All Mother’s Day 2017 bouquets are available for sale now at in standard, deluxe or premium size options.)
Teleflora’s Sparkle and Shine Bouquet (Available on for $59.95)
Chic and modern, just like mom. This show-stopping bouquet is a perfect reflection of her effervescent beauty; inside and out. Gorgeous pink roses, fragrant white Asiatic lilies and lavender look oh-so-lovely in this one-of-a-kind purple metallic glazed vase with sparkling rhinestones that is sure to dazzle her.
Teleflora’s Bold Elegance Bouquet (Available on for $94.95)
Bold and beautiful, just like mom. Pamper the ‘best mom in the world’ with this decadent bouquet brimming with hot pink roses, vibrant pink stargazer lilies, snapdragons, and lavendar cushion spray chrysanthemums artistically-arranged in an elegant, fuchsia blown glass vase.
Teleflora’s Artisanal Beauty Bouquet (Available on for $69.95)
Sweet and lovely, just like mom. Send her this pretty 2-in-1 gift that arrives as a fanciful mixed bouquet filled with crème roses, lavender alstroemeria, and chrysanthemums nestled within a hand-painted, floral embossed stoneware pitcher; FDA-approved to safely serve and store food, microwave and dishwasher-safe.
Teleflora’s Splendid Garden Bouquet (Available on for $49.95)
Just like mom, this delightful garden-inspired Mother’s Day floral arrangement will deliver a heartfelt smile across the miles. As a long-lasting keepsake, mom will enjoy its sweet watering can that features a hand-painted, vintage botanical print.
Teleflora’s Dancing Violets Bouquet (Available on for $39.95)
Just like mom, handmade bouquets light up a room… so make her heart dance with this fun and pleasing purple and white bouquet filled with lavender and white daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, and a medley of other floral accents. This beautiful floral arrangement is displayed within a purple glass cube vase with a pretty pressed violet design.
Every Teleflora bouquet is handmade and delivered by a local florist in your neighborhood to be beautiful and radiant, to reflect the love from every angle – just like her. To order your Mother’s Day bouquet, please visit
Check out Teleflora’s Mother’s Day campaign: “Just Like Her” heartfelt anthem video ad.
How will you celebrate your Mom on Mother’s Day?
Disclosure: All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received the above product for review purposes only.
Elena says
I love Teleflora bouquets. So pretty!
Janet W. says
So many beautiful bouquets to choose from! Receiving these would brighten my day!
Julie Wood says
I have gotten flowers from Teleflora before and they are amazing! I would love a bouquet of flowers again!
shelly peterson says
I love Teleflora bouquets! I sent my Mom one and she loves it.
Sara Zielinski says
Teleflora has great flowers.
Cynthia R says
I’ve used teleflora before to order flowers, the flowers were great and on time. Look for coupon codes.