Even before my son started school, I knew I wanted to be involved as much as possible. Last year he started Kindergarten and I loved being in the classroom to help the teacher or to volunteer for the class parties and bigger events like Picture Day. I never thought about joining the PTA of his school but when I was approached with a call and the fact that I had been nominated to be the Activities Coordinator, I jumped at the chance. This is my first year on the board and I’m loving all of the positive changes we are bringing to the school and all of the fun events we are planning.
I never had any idea of all the hard work that a PTA puts into making sure that both the parents AND the teachers have a great school year, but it’s a lot of work! We have been in constant communication throughout the summer and it’s only picked up more since the school year has started and there’s so much stuff going on. We’ve had a lot of emails going back and forth between many people and I know that I have spent a lot of time going through my inbox and searching to find a certain email or attachment. If this sounds like you and you’re looking for a new solution, look no further than MondayEnvelope.com!
As a Group Leader, you have a lot going on {I know our President is always so busy!}. You’re trying to keep parents informed but also get them involved. You want to easily send out information to parents in an organized and effective way. You also want to raise some money for your school and also gather volunteers together for upcoming events.
With MondayEnvelope.com, you can do all of this easily. Instead of that “Monday Envelope” going out each week stuffed with flyers or weekly emails, Monday Envelope is a website {not an app!} that is easily accessible for your whole school community.
As a Group Leader, create a group for your organization. Then, start creating events, set up a fundraiser and put out a call for volunteers. Monday Envelope then sends out a weekly email letting everyone know what events are coming up and what the needs are. I love that everything is organized in one place and easily accessible for all parents and teachers.
If you’re a leader for a school’s PTO or PTA, create a community now on MondayEnvelope.com! You’ll appreciate the time and headaches it will save you.
Are you a parent that is wanting to get involved, looking for all the information in one place and wanting to clean up your inbox of the “reply all” emails? Let your PTA or PTO know about Monday Envelope so they can sign up!
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Enter to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card + a $100 Donation to your school’s PTO/PTA {or other non-profit organization}!
This post was sponsored by WOMWomen.com on behalf of Monday Envelope. All opinions are my own.
Keeping the PTO/PTA group organized in one place rather than a zillion emails is so smart. So this app will really come in handy.
Wow, I’m sure that would be extremely helpful to a lot of school organizations. I know as a parent I get lots of paperwork, emails, etc. I can only imagine how important keeping organized would be fora PTO/PTA leader.
This sounds like a great program, I’m going to check it out for my school!
Trying to keep it all straight gets overwhelming, especially when you have kids going to different schools. I love the idea of getting one weekly reminder email so I can stay on top of things & check the website if I need a reminder throughout the week. I’m not on the PTA but I’ll share this with my friends who are so they can make things a little easier for all of us.
Well, that is a great way to stay organized!
Oh! I will let the ladies at my kids school, know about this! Very cool!
With everything revolving around technology today I think this will be a helpful resource for parents and teachers alike.
I homeschool, there is now parent teacher group, but this would be great for our homeschool co-op.
Our school could totally use this!
I wonder if the PTA knows about Monday Envelope! Being new to the schools I’m not sure what or how they do anything. I never got involved with it before, but to get connected here, I might look more into it.
This sounds like a great way to organize! 🙂
I’ve had to organize several school groups over the years. This sounds very helpful.
This is really interesting! We get so many papers some days I don’t know whether I am coming or going. They sit in a pile forgotten about until one of my kids comes home panicked that i forgot something.
I am a PTL (league) president this year and DEFINITELY need this! I am headed over to check it out and get us registered today!
Monday Envelope sounds really cool. I wonder if our PTA has heard of it.
Sounds like a great tool to use! I should talk to my PTA about it. Maybe it would avoid 10 emails a day from them!
Oh wow, cool app! I am definitely going to look into this.
The bestie is a PTA mom so I will def have to share this with her. Thanks for the review.
This looks like a great app.