If you feel as though you are stressed out constantly then you may notice that over time, you end up showing some physical symptoms. This can take its toll on your mental health. If you want to do something about this then you need to first understand your symptoms so you can then take steps to try and give yourself a break.
You Struggle with Headaches
One of the biggest signs that you are under a lot of stress would be if you struggle with a lot of headaches. You may have a throbbing pain in your head which could end up being a migraine. Stress, at the end of the day, can cause tension in the back of your neck and it can also lead to backache as well. If you want to help yourself then you need to try and take steps to relieve stress right now. You may find that you have to go to a chiropractor if you find that stress relief doesn’t touch your back and neck pain. If you want to help yourself in other ways then you may want to try and drink more water during the day. Drinking enough water is so important when you are experiencing times of stress. Dehydration can also trigger headaches, so make sure that you fill up your water bottle.
Source: Pexels
Digestive Issues are a Constant Problem
If you are having digestive issues then this can be a major sign that you are struggling with things. During stressful periods, your body may ramp up and this can impact your sympathetic nervous system. You won’t be using your usual amount of blood to handle digestion as it is being diverted elsewhere. You may find that your body ends up redirecting its energy to your muscles and your heart, and this ends up generating a fight-or-flight response. If you have a slower gastrointestinal system then you may find that you have more stomach acid. This can lead to heartburn, nausea and even bloating so keep this in mind if you can.
Your Sleep is Off and You’re Tired During the Day
Did you know that around 43% of people in the US have sleeping issues? Too much stress can wreak havoc on your sleeping pattern and your schedule. This can set some very unhealthy habits, and it can also cause a huge range of mental health issues. This can lead to a lot of stress in your daily life. If you want to help yourself here then try and make sure that you are getting at least 8 hours or so of sleep a day. You also need to make sure that you are taking the time to get enough rest during the day if you feel as though you need it. It may be that you go for a nap during the day or that you try to get your mind into a resting state. If you can do this then you should be able to get the result you need.
You Are Sweating More
It is very normal and even healthy for you to sweat, and this is especially the case if you are under some duress. With that being said, if you feel as though you are sweating more than you should be then this can be harmful to your health. If you want to take steps against this then try and make sure that you are taking the time to focus on your breathing and how your body is reacting to situations. You also need to try and calm yourself down. If you are sweating more than you should be then this may be a sign that you need to try and lessen the stress you are under. If you don’t then this will make it harder for you to move forward later on. If you find that you sweat when you don’t drink alcohol or in other related situations then one thing you can do is speak to a professional. It may be that you are struggling with addiction and need to do something about this. Remember you can always seek alcohol addiction treatment and get your life back on track.
You have Hair Loss
If you are finding more strands of hair everywhere then this is a sign that you are experiencing hair loss. If you want to do something about this then you need to understand how it relates to your stress levels. When you have high cortisol levels, you may find that they end up inhibiting your hormones and this can affect your body’s ability to grow hair. While it is normal for humans to shed anywhere up to 100 hairs a day, you have to remember that stress can impact your body’s ability to keep your hair healthy. If you have the urge to pull hair from your scalp then this is a major indicator that you need to do something about it.
You have Chest Pain
If you have chest pain when you have a lot of anxiety then this is a major sign that you need to get it checked out. If you don’t then you may find that you end up struggling more than you should. One of the lesser-known signs of stress is chest pain. It’s fairly common for those under a lot of pressure but at the end of the day it is easy for it to become a vicious cycle. If you are not careful then it can lead to more stress which can put you under even more stress. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you take the time to avoid stress by taking a little time for yourself during the day. If you don’t then you may end up experiencing worse symptoms later down the line and this is the last thing you need. You may also want to see your doctor about your chest pain if you are not sure if it is related to anxiety, so keep that in mind.
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