With St. Patrick’s Day coming up,I wanted to do something fun in the kitchen. When browsing Pinterest, I kept coming across these super cute Rainbow in a Jar recipes. I thought it would be so fun to make and how hard could it be? I even decided to make some printables for Hayden’s teachers that he could attach to the jars.
So I gathered up all the ingredients and supplies to make the Rainbow in a Jar. I followed the directions on a recipe I found on Pinterest. Now, this is where it all went wrong. I started this project while the girls were sleeping and about an hour before I would have to pick Hayden up from school. I wanted to pour the colored cake batter into icing bags so I could evenly layer the colors in the jar, but it was going to take me too long so I decided to spoon it in the jar – which got really messy.
This was definitely very pretty! So my other mistake was eyeballing it to fill it 3/4 full as directions stated. Since I was a little careless, the following happened.
Yup, overflow! It looks like a science experiment gone wrong. Once it was completely done baking though, I figured I would pull it out and I could salvage it somehow. So I had it baking for 45 minutes as directed. I should have been checking on it in those last few minutes, but I was getting ready to leave so I was distracted. When I went to pull it out of the oven after the timer went off, it was burnt in some parts. Another fail!
Well, maybe I could STILL salvage it. So, I let it cool, took some of the top off and added frosting. Then I went to print the cute printables I made. Yup, you guessed it. The way my day was going, my printer ran out of ink so the tag looked terrible for the picture.
Finished product?
So, I don’t want to even give you the recipes I followed, but I’ll give you a few tips so your Rainbow in a Jar doesn’t turn out like mine.
– Use GEL food coloring, not drops. This will give you a more vibrant cake batter. #WIN!
– It may say bake for 45 minutes. Set your timer for 35 minutes and take a look at it. Then hover outside the oven and keep peeking in through the glass.
– You may think the jar is not full enough. It is. Don’t add any more cake batter. That stuff will rise fast.
– I give up on my frosting. Why is it bubbly?!
– Make sure your printer has ink!!!
So yup, total Pinterest Fail. But if you happen to like the printable and are planning on making something cute for your child’s teachers, check it out below! Just click to print!
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama says
God bless, those look awful! 🙂 But that’s how we learn, right?! On the flip side, the labels are cute!!
Heather @OurKidsMom says
You are a brave soul sharing your fail LOL. I typically trash it and move on. It’s a fab idea though and love the printables! 🙂
brett says
well, they are certainly rainbow!
I wouldn’t give that to a home ec teacher LOL
I’ve had my share of fails.
and I always use gel color. anything else changes consistency and I have enough baking disasters without help
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Oh man! But that’s how we learn, right – by making mistakes. Now you know and next time, they will come out perfect 🙂
Cynthia R says
Pretty, nice craft especially for Spring rainbows and flowers!
Debra says
I’m not a baker at all – so this would totally happen to me too! What a fun idea for St. Patrick’s Day or for a Spring birthday party!
Beth @ Musing Mainiac says
On the bright side, I’m sure they tasted good. Right?
Sippy Cup Mom says
YES! Luckily, they were still so good!
Jennifer @ Mom Spotted says
I always use the Wilton dyes to dye my batters. Have you tried those?
Sippy Cup Mom says
I used the Wilton gel – what is the Wilton dye? I might have to look into those!
Audrey at Barking Mad! says
Nine out of every ten of my Pinterest attempts, end up as EPIC failures, and I’m pretty sure this would happen to me as well. Despite that, I’m still tempted to try it. Yeah, I never learn!
I love the printables, those are wicked-cute!
Beth says
Fail or not .. was is it still yummy? That is the true question! 🙂
I think it is a great idea for a snack for the kids!
Sippy Cup Mom says
YES! It was still so delicious!
Jessica Beard says
Yours look a lot better than mine would have. Great attempt and I’m sure they tasted great.
Jenn says
Thanks for being honest about it! I’d totally still eat one. 🙂
Shop with Me Mama says
Too funny! At least you had fun trying? I love seeing things like this, makes me not feel so bad when I can’t do something. I LOVE those printables! Thank you 🙂
Tonya says
Well, the printables look great. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your fail. People need to realize that things don’t always turn out great the first time.
Terin Garrett says
LOL, glad I’m not the only one who experiences Pinterest fails!! This is a cute idea though! 🙂
Jessica says
Don’t you hate when that happens? I can’t tell you how many times I have had a PINTEREST FAIL! It’s so disappointing when it doesn’t turn out the way you planned lol
Debbie L says
Oh I have had a few 100 failures! LOL I like that you posted and gave us tips not to do!
Isabella Grey says
Whoa…those are one hot ass mess. But I love seeing Pinterest Fails, it restores my faith in the rest of the not-so-domestic goddesses in the world.
Laura J says
Oh you know…I think they turned out cute! You did a GREAT job making it work…even with your fail on the Pinterest one! I have had many fails off Pinterest too…..
Shell says
It was such a cute idea, though! Mine would have turned out even worse!
Wendy says
I LOVE that you shared your fail. and I love this idea- so I’m going to try it too.
Karen @ Sunny Soirees says
The printables are really cute! Sorry the cupcake in a jar didn’t work out. Same thing happened to me and now I just make cupcakes, slice them in half, layer in the jar and frost. It just never came out “pretty” in the oven.
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. But you are fearless for trying. And brave for sharing. 🙂
Jennifer says
I had to laugh at this because I’ve had my fair share of Pinterest fails! Hey, at least you tried, right?
Kat B. says
It doesnt look terrible. I too have had many pinterest fails.
Kecia says
I’m sorry, but I may have laughed a time or two at your post. Not because of your fails, but how much fun you seemed to have had! I think they still turned out good, and I’m sure they will taste great no matter how they look. I love the printables too!
Ty says
I’ve had a few Pinterest Fails myself and mine didn’t come out half a descent as yours. How did these taste? Were they any good?
Cat Davis says
Oh man, that poor cake just went flying out of there didn’t it. Sigh. I hate when things don’t turn out the way we hoped.
Melissa says
Haha, that is great! I have definitely had my share of pin fails!
Michelle says
oh lord LOL We all have these days 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Emilia says
Oh man, I know I will run into one of these fails on my own, at home, one of these days. On the positive side, everyone else gets to learn from your fail and feel more confidence about sharing their own. 🙂
Virginia @thatbaldchick says
I’ll admit I have a few pinterest fails in my closet.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest says
At least you had the guts to put the fact that it didn’t work out on your blog! Thanks for that…and why is that frosting bubbly?
Ashley says
It always makes me happy to see Pinterest Fails. Not that I’m happy you failed, but it lets me know I’m NOT alone. 🙂
Ashley - Embracing Beauty says
How cute! It’s a cute idea anyway. I hate when things don’t work out as planned.
Chrysa says
Oh no! It’s sad it didn’t turn out after all that work. But, I’m sure they will look awesome on your next try!
Krystal says
You know, I still almost think they are cute. 😉 Thanks for sharing the printable!
Tracey says
This made me laugh so hard! I think we’ve all been there!
Melinda@LookWhatMomFound...andDadtoo says
this had be laughing so hard. my kids have gotten used to our pinterest fails. the first try is usually bad but practice makes perfect right.
Toni says
LOL I am cracking up. I love to bake but I am not sure I could pull these off, I swear they just paint them in the pics we see on pinterest.
Amanda Love says
Haha I’ve always been envious of those crafty people on Pinterest but I just know I’d fail just trying them. Well at least you tried and maybe next time it’ll be better. 🙂
Eliz Frank says
You are so funny! I love rainbows and would love to try that sometime… Te he!
Debi says
It might not have turned out as planned but it still looks good.
Janel says
Hilarious!!! I’m sorry you went through SO much work just for a bitter horrible fail!
Shell Feis says
I think it still turned out cute! Way better than I would have been able to handle.
Angie | Big Bear's Wife says
I love making cakes in a jar but you can’t fill them too high or they’ll spill over. love the colors though!
Brandy at MVL says
LOL probably turned out better than mine would. Great try though!
Lynsey @MoscatoMom says
LOL the bottom half of the jar on the right is BEAUTIFUL though!!! I am so glad you shared this – I dont ever share my Pinterest Fails… I totally need to. This post is awesome.
Paige says
This looks great! It’d be good for eating cake on the go! haha
Sherry Jennings says
I cook and bake all the time and I have never done this one before. But look on the bright side it was good to you and your family. And that you tried your best.