How Far Along:
26 weeks, 3 Days! I found out last week that I am measuring 32 weeks, yikes!
Total Weight Gain:
Up 13 pounds.
How Big Are The Babies?
At our ultrasound last week, Baby A was weighing 1 pound, 10 ounces and Baby B was weighing 1 pound, 12 ounces! Great weights for twins!
Food Cravings:
SWEETS! I am craving sweets and ice cream all the time and really need to learn to stay away from them!
Food Aversions:
Nothing in particular!
– Exhaustion: I’m still really tired. I’ll get spurts of energy but they don’t last too long.
– Sciatica: I’m having bad sciatic pain on my left side which will stop me dead in my tracks if I’m out and about. So I’ve got the waddle and limp going on sometimes.
– Heavy belly: Even though I’ve only gained 13 pounds so far, my belly is very heavy and very LOW. I need to look into getting a maternity support belt.
We had an ultrasound last week with my MFM in addition to an office visit and everything looked great. Baby A is breech and Baby B is transverse. They still have time to flip but hopefully it will be in the next few weeks or they start running out of room! Our next ultrasound is an echocardiogram later this month and then another growth ultrasound the week after that. Starting around 29 weeks, I’ll be getting either weekly or every 2 week growth ultrasounds to make sure they are growing at the same pace.
How is Hayden Reacting?
Hayden is still excited about the girls coming! He is constantly picking out toys for them at the store.
This Week, We’re Talking About…
– The Twins room! I think we are going to go with a Cinderella themed room – I’ll have to do another post with all of the stuff we have found so far!
– Cloth Diapers: I think we are definitely going to do it. I don’t want to start until they are about 2 months old though, which I know is silly. But I want to get into a good routine of having the twins and Hayden home before I start something I’m totally unfamiliar with. We have started building our stash though – I’d love to hear what you use!
Last Appointment:
Last week, I had 2 appointments. I saw my high risk doctor (MFM) where we did the ultrasound. I also saw my OB that week where I had to take my 2nd glucose test. I passed the 1 hour test a few weeks ago, but they do it again in twin pregnancies just in case. Fingers crossed I hear back this week that I passed! We also talked a little bit more about the delivery where she said she will let me go to 37 or 38 weeks depending on how everything looks!
Next Appointment:
I see my OB next week and will then see her every 2 weeks. I forget when weekly visits start! I see my MFM at the end of December and then I’ll see him every 2 weeks. So I’ll basically be seeing a doctor every week!
Oh my gosh! That is so exciting! Congratulations! I’m so pleased to hear that everything is going so well. What a double blessing:)!
That is so great to see your progress. I couldn’t imagine having twins. It has to be so exciting/scary at the same time 🙂
My sister had twins, and she was always bigger with her twins than with any “single” baby. I do not envy her nor you. Carrying one baby was hard enough. Although; I know if i was in the position I wouldn’t think much of it. It’s just something you do cause you love the babies; even far before they are born.
Good luck, I hope all goes smoothly for the rest of your pregnancy.
I can imagine you must be tired! Twins – how cool!
You look great Melissa! I’m excited to see more about their room!
You look great! Hard to believe it is already 26 weeks!
Yay for twins!!! I love how you have this post set up. I have a friend who’s having twins, too, so I am going to pass this on! CONGRATS!!!
You’re so darn cute, Mama!!
I don’t blame you for not wanting to start cloth right away especially since twins tend to be a bit smaller when born, right? Depending on what you use, a lot of cloth diapers fit better around 8-10lbs. I’ve used a wide variety over the past 2 years and actually bought some newborn sized ones for this baby who’ll be here… any day now. So if you have any questions ask away! 🙂
SO exciting! You’re almost there!!
Congratulations, I am so happy for you.
YAY! I can’t believe you are already 26 weeks – craziness! You look great! I can’t wait to see some pictures of the Cinderella room!
This is so exciting! I love following you along on your posts and hope you get some rest and the sciatica lets up. I had that too and I always described like what i would imagine it would feel like to get shot. Just a sudden horrendous shooting pain from out of nowhere. Hope you find some relief.
Wow twins is so exciting! I had bad pain like that and saw my chiropractor every week to get me through it. Can’t wait to see nursery pics!
You look great momma!!
I have twin granddaughters and that is so cool. You’re doing fabulous on weight gain…good for you. I am craving sweets with you…haha
Your updates make me smile! I’m so excited for your family!! xoxox
you look so beautiful. Glad to hear everything is going well. Praying it will continue that way.
A Cinderella room with be soooooooooooo cute. Can’t wait to see.
congratulations and the big day will be here sooner than you think!