If there’s one thing you want to do right in life, it would be to get your finances right. Finances are the root of everything in life. They determine your college, household income, and even your monthly budget. It is possible to have the right financial tools to help get you through life. It comes down to using the right tools, so your finances stay on course. Check out these financial tools, so you can always keep your money on track.
- Restore Your Credit: Okay, so sometimes a person doesn’t make the best financial decisions. However, even if your credit is shot, you have hopes of having it restored. Credit is essential for so many things in life. You’ll need it to buy a house, a car, and even basic things in life. Society sees your credit score as a reflection of who you are. United Credit Education Services is a financial opportunity to restore that credit score of yours.
- Credit Monitoring: There may come a time in life where things are put on your credit report that you have no idea about. Credit reporting companies are only human, so sometimes they report things wrong. You want to make sure you’re keeping track of what’s being reported on your credit because it can affect your score greatly. But, who has time for something like this? Using Smart Credit to monitor your credit is a smart move.
- Rental Kharma: Renting can be a nightmare, but it doesn’t need to be. In fact, if you’re good at paying your rent, what do you get rewarded? With Rental Kharma, you can use your rent to help you build up your credit score. Once you’re enrolled, your property manager will verify your payments are accurate! It’s very simple.
- MyCare Plan: Another part of your finances that you may not even be taking that seriously is a need to prepare your will, living trust, and healthcare and financial powers of attorney. Guess what? MyCare Plan can help you take care of all of this. It helps prepare your full legal documents, they’re sent to you and are signed and notarized. That simple!
- LifeLock: Getting your identity stolen is no joke, which is why you need to focus on getting LifeLock. It monitors your protection literally every second of every day. It is always onto what scheme the thieves are working on, so you don’t need to worry about it.
- FES Protection Plan: Why not get every area of your financial life protected? It’s very simple in how it works. You enroll and you get to take advantage of several different products. Everything from credit restoration, credit builder, LifeLock, and Life Insurance. The FES Protection Plan covers it all.
I’ve been using the FES Protection Plan for the past few months and if you’re looking to really keep an eye on your finances, this is what you want to get. For only $87 a month, you’ll have access to the following products and services that will cover all aspects of your financial portfolio.
You get so much coverage for only $87 a month! I love the FES DebtZero which helps give you a clear direction on how to pay off all of your debt. I know after lots of hospital bills and home improvement costs, we need this!There’s also extras like an RX Discount Card, Cash Back Shopping and even a Financial Lockbox, an online solution that enables you to store financial data in a single, secure, password-protected location for easy access by you or loved ones that you select and authorize.
I love that I’m able to access the online portal at anytime and that there is a Customer Service Team there to help me too. If you’re looking to rebuild your credit or just keep your financial assets protected, check out the FES Protection Plan today!
How do you educate yourself on finances? How do you protect yourself?
Jennifer says
This protection plan sounds great. Finances are always a tough subject, and it’s nice to feel protected.
Pam says
Identity theft is so scary. Life lock seems like a great way to protect yourself. I will have to look into these other services as well.
Kathy says
This sounds like a great way to protect yourself. I’m going to have to check this out. I’m always worried that something may happen. Anything to be protected is great.
Cynthia Wright says
This is good to know! We’re looking at buying a house soon, and need to make sure our credit is up to par.
Kristi says
You gave some great tips. One thing I try to do is to make sure and log into our checking account daily, just to make sure it looks normal since we use our debit card often.
Florentina says
LifeLock is on my list to get . Identity theft can be so devastating. We need to protect ourselves.
dawn says
this protection plan sounds great. it is so important to have something in place to protect ourselves.
shelly peterson says
This sounds like a great protection plan and worth checking into.
Tiffany C. says
This is great information. It’s so important to protect what you’ve got