Get up and dance!
Who are The Rattles?
The unique animal collective consists of four stellar musicians and life-long friends – Gus, Kitty, Sal, and Hal – who describe their upcoming release as “the album we were born to make”.
From start to finish, ‘RATTLE ON’ provides a solid testament to The Rattles’ undeniable musical ingenuity, jammed with catchy pop melodies and feel-good vibes that are sure to inspire lots of head swaying and booty-shaking.
The Rattles Album comes out TODAY!
You are going to love this album! They sound very similar to such acts as The Beatles, They Might Be Giants and The Monkees! I put the CD on in the car while Hayden and I were running errands and soon both of us were moving and grooving in our seats!
The CD is a lot of fun and I am a big fan of The Beatles so I liked how similar the music was. My favorite song is “Wavy Lane” but Hayden’s favorite is definitely “Lucky Sam’s Banana Stand”.
Check out their music videos!
The album is upbeat and fun! You’re going to love listening to this!
Want to win your own copy of The Rattles CD?
~Mandatory Entry~
What kind of music does your child like to get up and move to?
Leave a comment and let me know!
~Extra Entries~
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~Tweet about this fun giveaway! (1 Entry a Day)
Get up and dance with @TheRattlesBand CD Giveaway from @SippyCupMom!
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~Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs! (1 Entry a Day)
~ “Like” The Rattles on Facebook!
~ “Like” Sippy Cup Mom on Facebook!
8 possible entries!
Good luck and the giveaway will end on August 23rd!
My baby loves the barnyardigans and does a baby bounce to it.
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My kid moves and grooves to any/all sounds he hears – even the garbage truck!
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My daughter likes any music, as long as it is loud!
mmayerfeld at gmail
mmayerfeld at gmail
My grandson loves the bad boys cops song and any Barney music.
I voted today.
mmayerfeld at gmail
My boys love any kind of music that has a good beat 🙂
my daughter likes loud and upbeat music
following TheRattlesBand on twitter at rosidentevil
following you on twitter at rosidentevil
here is my tweet
Following publicly as Louis on Google Friends Connect
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I like Sippy Cup Mom on FaceBook (Louis Here) 🙂
I like The Rattles Band on FaceBook (Louis Here) 🙂
no child yet, but would like to win for my baby (expecting)
Following the rattles on twitter 9ziggy
[11newmom at gmail == applies to last comment as well, forgot to leave email address]
My kids love to move to the Lilo and Stitch movie sound track!
we love reggae
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My daughter loves all music, but is most excited to hear any Yo Gabba Gabba song!
I follow Sippy Cup Mom on Twitter!
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Strangely enough, my little boy loves songs on commercials. He loves that Samsung commercial with that really catchy song. You know the one…I don't know the name of it and I realize that you can't hear me singing it though it's stuck in my head…it goes "Hey eyyy, tonight"… it has the Ukelele in it. Thanks for the opportunity!
mysteryshoppingteacher at yahoo dot com
Following the rattles on twitter. @mysshopnteacher
mysteryshoppingteacher at yahoo dot com
Following you on twitter @mysshopnteacher
mysteryshoppingteacher at yahoo dot com
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mysteryshoppingteacher at yahoo dot com
Liked the rattles on facebook under Nirra Poret
Liked sippy cup mom on facebook under nirra poret
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mysteryshoppingteacher at yahoo dot com
As long as the music has a beat, my daughter loves it. I have to sometimes police her music.
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