My twin girls will be 4 next month and every year – every MONTH – has brought a different challenge that I never experienced with my son. Being a mom of twins can be HARD…but also pretty darn amazing. I know that when I was pregnant, I tried to read up all I could about having twins – you know, the REAL stuff. That’s why in 2017, I’m joining fellow moms of twins to bring you Real Talk with Real Twin Moms!
On the 15th of every month, Real Talk with Real Twin Moms will bring you answers to questions moms of twins have. Everything from finding out you are having twins, to delivering twins, the struggles and rewards, and even marriage after twins. We are ready to get real about what it’s like raising twins, and hope it helps you through this adventure! To kick off the Real Talk with Real Twin Moms Series, learn a little bit about these moms, along with their answers to this month’s question.
How did I not realize how close in age our twins are?! Mine turn four next week and oh the challenges lol!!