Every woman is born with millions of immature eggs. Over the course of her life the quantity and the quality of her eggs decreases.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is released at the beginning of every menstrual cycle to cause an egg to mature in the ovary. If a woman’s ovarian reserve (eggs) is low, she will produce higher than normal FSH levels to attempt to stimulate her ovary to produce mature eggs.
The FIRST RESPONSE® Fertility Test for Women will help you to evaluate one of the leading single factor causes of infertility, diminished ovarian reserve (egg quantity and quality). Fertility tests measure levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) to gauge your ovarian reserve, and your chances of becoming pregnant.
How to Use the First Response Fertility Test
Testing FSH levels on Day 3 of the menstrual cycle gauges a woman’s pregnancy potential. The FIRST RESPONSE® Fertility Test for Women is an early detection screening tool that assesses Day 3 FSH levels to begin answering the question “Am I able to get pregnant?”
Early detection of FSH levels — and by extension Ovarian reserve levels with FIRST RESPONSE® empowers women to know sooner, consult with a physician sooner and ultimately get pregnant sooner.
Using the test is easy. If you have ever used a pregnancy test, it’s just like that! You must take the test on the third day of your menstrual cycle.
First Response Fertility Test…
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