I love having Movie Nights with my family and Friday night we had the perfect movie to enjoy – Frankweenie!
Frankenweenie was just released on January 8th, so you can now get your copy of the movie on 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray and DVD at a store near you!
I was especially excited to check out this movie. Not only am I a huge fan of Tim Burton, but the movie was also nominated as Best Animated Feature for the 2013 Oscars! My son had been seeing previews of this for awhile now, so he was ready to see it too!
About Frankenweenie:
Victor Frankenstein, a lonely little boy with no friends, has a heartwarming bond with his beloved dog, Sparky. When Sparky is tragically struck by a car and laid to rest, Victor becomes inspired by Mr. Rzykruski to bring him back from the dead. At first, it doesn’t seem his experiment has worked, but soon little Sparky is as good as new–with the occasional body part needing to be reattached.
When Victor’s classmates catch on to his experiment, several of them go on to create ghastly, monstrous creations of their own and soon the small town of New Holland has been taken over by their monstrous creations.
Frankenweenie Bonus Features:
Captain Sparky vs. the Flying Saucers: One of Victor’s short films featuring Sparky and Victor.
Miniatures in Motion: Bringing ‘Frankenweenie’ to Life: Producer Allison Abbate, Producer and Director Tim Burton discuss the years long process of making this film. Burton expanded a story idea into this feature length film from a live action short he made in 1984. Footage also shows how the puppets are cared for when damaged during filming, how the puppets are built from the ground up, original storyboard art, and more.
‘Frankenweenie’ Touring Exhibits: Footage from ComiCon 2012 regarding a touring exhibit of the artwork, puppets, and sets from Frankenweenie. Also contains commentary from Don Hahn and Allison Abbate.
‘Frankenweenie’ Original Live Action Short: Barret Oliver (remember him from The Neverending Story and The Secret Garden?), Daniel Stern, Shelley Duvall star in a live action short film which was the basis for the stop motion Frankenweenie.
‘Pet Sematary’ Music Video: The style of this music video featuring the group Plain White T’s is black and white as a tribute to Frankenweenie. It contains scenes from the film, and is feature in where else?–a cemetery.
What we thought:
I thought my son might be a little put off that the entire movie is in black and white, but he was enthralled right from the start! I also thought there were parts he might be scared of, but he also wasn’t scared at all. After the movie was over, he declared it as “super cool”! My husband and I also enjoyed some of the adult humor as well as the references to other favorite horror movies.
Check out these clips below of Frankenweenie!
Frankeweenie is available NOW on Blu-ray and DVD! Make sure to check it out!
Disclosure: I received the above product for review purposes only. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
this is a really cute movie!!
I loved movie nights, too. We used to put a blanket down in the living room to have a pizza picnic on Friday nights and have pizza.
This movie looks cute.
I don’t know how I don’t own this yet! I keep forgetting to pick it up when we’re out. I need to write it down for my next trip!
You better get it, girl! 😉
I would love to see this movie!
We love family movie nights, and I’ve been wondering if this would be a good choice!
I want to see this cute movie about a boy wanting his dog to come back to life! Frankenweenie is so cute and I know that I will like the movie when I see it!
did not win at the golden globes, never seen not a fan of animation, good for kids though
Loved it…I am such a Tim Burton fan, not only of his work but also of his personal character. Both he and his wife always look like they just left acting in a Tim burton film…usually Edward Scissorhands or beetle juice….especially their hair
I’m pretty impressed that he wasn’t scared! Tim Burton has a 5-year old fan, it seems! (He is 5, right?) lol Or 4?
He will be 5 next month and I was surprised too! I sat next to him in case I needed to close his eyes, LOL! He’s obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas though so I figured he’d like this.
We haven’t watched this yet. Adding it to our list.
My husband and I aren’t really Tim Burton fans, but our 5 year old really wants to see this so maybe…someday.
With all the cold weather a pizza picnic sounds like a fantastic idea for our movie night Wendy! And even if ladies in my office at DISH thought that Frankenweenie was a little too dark for their kids, I am still willing to give it a shot; especially if it is as cute as everyone here says it is! I guess I’ll find out who is right this weekend after I rent it from Blockbuster @Home through DISH. They give us more than 100,000 different choices by mail, so we never have to leave the comfort of our home for entertainment like the theater made us. And with how much snow is on the ground, I can appreciate that more than most.
loved this movie and so did the kids. this is a must buy.
My niece and I have been wanting to see this movie! It looks like a really cute movie that both kids and adults can enjoy. I was worried about my niece being scared by some parts too. It is good to know that it is kid approved. I didn’t realize that this movie had been nominated as Best Animated Feature for the 2013 Oscars. Another great reason to watch this movie. Thank you for the great review!
Haven’t seen this one yet! It’s on my list of movies to rent!
Awesome DVD.
I still haven’t seen this yet, but would love to! I’m a big Tim Burton fan!
it’s so hard for our family to find a good movie we can all agree on
Carleigh really wants to see this one!
saw this in the theater and enjoyed it!