I was so excited when I found out that I was pregnant last June. There were so many things I planned to do with this baby that I hadn’t done with my son….extended breastfeeding, cloth diapers and babywearing. When I found out that I was expecting twins, I wasn’t sure how all my plans would work out. I knew that I would still be able to do the breastfeeding {hopefully} and the cloth diapers {a must!} but I wasn’t too sure if I could still wear my baby. After all, I would need to be taking care of two babies!
Luckily, I quickly realized that babywearing was what kept me sane most days! Those first few months, Olivia was so needy. She needed to be close to me, so I would wear her in my Boba Baby Carrier and she would be happy and comforted. It also allowed me to have my hands free to take care of Evie and Hayden, my 5 year old son.
Our Boba Carriers have come in handy so many times. My husband saw how great it was when I wore one of our girls, so we had to buy him one too. It’s so much easier than dragging out a stroller so have started just bringing our carriers with us on outings.
We have gotten so many compliments and questions about our safe babywearing. A lot of parents and older adults are used to seeing the baby carriers where the child is facing out to “see the world”. But research shows that carrying baby facing inward helps baby attach in a healthy way to parents and prevents hip dysplasia, allowing baby to stay safe and healthy, both physically and psychologically. Each time I have put my girls in my Boba Carrier, they are snug against my chest and they have instantly quieted down. I think they love hearing my heartbeat and I love being able to easily kiss the top of their head. Plus, my girls are always looking to the side with plenty to see!
Nine Reasons Not to Carry Your Baby Facing Out
So, there’s nine fantastic reasons to wear your baby facing YOU! I love having a happy, healthy and safe baby while wearing my Boba Carrier. You can learn more about safe babywearing by checking out the Boba website.
We started Boba because we believed Freedom Together with your kids is possible and we wanted to share that passion with parents around the world. We care about children, and we extend that caring to our customers every day through unrivaled quality products and outstanding customer support. Our products are designed, considering the needs of the child, mother, and father.
That’s why I love my Boba Carriers {we are up to 3!}. It gives me the freedom I need while still being with my family. Below are just some of my favorite pictures from babywearing with my twins.
Check out more great babywearing resources over on my Bonding with Baby Pinterest Board!
Have you ever worn your little one?
Disclosure: I’m a Boba Ambassador. All thoughts, opinions and experiences are my own.
I LOVE that picture of you baby wearing two!!! I have worn all 4 of my boys!
I never found forward facing to feel comfortable at all. We used a BobaAir with my youngest grandson and the fit felt great!
I love the picture with both of your babies. How cute! I wish I would have used a carrier with my babies.
My main reasons for inward facing is 1. over stimulation (as you mentioned) and 2. I’m too paranoid about germs. I don’t like the idea of people coughing and sneezing…or touching and getting in my baby’s face.
i love that you wear both!! i miss baby wearing
Love babywearing!!
I am actually long past my baby-wearing days but this is always valuable information! My sister and brother in law are trying to have a baby right now and I will keep these points in mind when she has her first!
This frees up so much hand space. I don’t have a baby anymore but I would buy one if I had another makes life so much easier.
I’m hoping to be able to baby wear this lil one more than i did my son! I have been looking for a good carrier.. Thank you for sharing!
There are things I am doing this time around that I didn’t with my first as well — including babywearing with a Boba Carrier! I’m glad to see this infographic, as I will not be carrying my baby forward-facing now!
I so agree with carrying baby towards your chest. I have six kiddos and that was what they all seemed relaxed and comfortable in. I felt more secure holding them that way as well. Besides I liked looking at their faces when they were there. I love the picture of you with both babies! I didn’t know they made carriers like that.
Oh my! I love this. I really wished I used one of these for my heavy kids back in the day
Your pictures are adorable! Thank you for sharing this review.
I love this! I never wore my first baby but with my second (born in Sept) I’ve loved wearing him! I love the closeness I feel, and thanks for the advice about wearing baby facing me, because I wasn’t sure which was better. I’m glad I’ve been wearing him facing me so far!
I always wore my youngest. We had a carrier like this. I loved it and always recommend them to everyone.
I don’t have any little ones to wear, but I do love that bird print on the brown carrier!
Seeing how well it has worked for you and how much you’ve enjoyed it makes me wish I’d given it a try! I was a backpack wearer though and I did LOVE that!
I have heard so many wonderful things about these carriers. I especially appreciate the infographic!
i cringe when i see people wear their babies facing out. makes me so sad
I love that carrier! I can’t wait to have another – I definitely want a carrier with our next one.
My daughter actually did not enjoy the babywearing process at all, which is funny, because she wanted to be held and snuggle all the time. But I do think for babies that enjoy it, the Boba carrier is pretty comfy looking!
We loved our baby carrier, it allowed a new mom to bond with her baby while still taking care of those household chores.
I had a carrier with my youngest but I didn’t use it very often. Thanks for sharing this information about babies being front facing, I never would have thought about these.