A few months ago, we took a long weekend to this fantastic resort in Missouri Wine Country. We had a house to ourselves and I looked forward to a few relaxing days with just my family. We love sharing a bowl of popcorn in the evenings while we watch a movie together, so I made sure to pack a box of Pop Secret along. Since we were only there a few days, I packed a box of 3. That was a big mistake. In an unfamiliar kitchen, I totally winged making the popcorn for us. The first time, I failed. The second time, I failed. The third time? You guessed it…I failed! I wasted all three boxes in one night. My son was disappointed and the house stunk like burnt popcorn!
If only I knew then what I know now! These days, I use the Pop Secret Perfect Pop App!
Everyone can relate to the frustration of burning popcorn, so Pop Secret decided to solve the problem once and for all, so you can spend more time enjoying movies and less time worrying about burned popcorn!
With your iPhone 5+ on iOS 7+, download Perfect Pop (“Perfect Popcorn”) for free on the App Store. It’s so easy to use!
1. Put a bag of Pop Secret in the microwave and enter suggested cooking time from the packaging. Note: Perfect Pop is optimized for the deliciousness of Pop Secret popcorn only.
2. Turn up the volume on your iPhone. Point the phone’s speaker towards the microwave and keep within 3 feet.
3. Start the microwave, and then start the app.
No more relying on the popcorn button or guessing how many seconds in between pops. Pop Secret is serious about perfect popcorn, so the less you have to worry about, the more time you can spend enjoying movie night with your friends & family. Perfect Pop listens to the pops, waiting for the precise moment to let you know when your popcorn is perfect.
I mentioned before that my son LOVES the addition of Pop Secret popcorn to our family movie nights, so he thinks this app is so much fun! He says it’s like magic!
Do you have any burned popcorn horror stories?
Burnt popcorn is the WORST! Sounds like an awesome app!
I SO need this app! I’m tired of wasting money buying popcorn only to have it burn. What a great idea from pop secret!
I tend to have a very keen eat for a popcorn bag – I’ve only burnt popcorn ONCE! I love that there’s an app for those that need it.
This is awesome, my kids would LOVE this app, too fun! And yes, everyone hates burn’t popcorn, not only does it taste gross but it smells up your entire kitchen!
This sounds like an app we need. I always end up making the popcorn because my family overcooks it and gets yucky burnt pieces in it!
Nothing smells worse than burnt popcorn! I will have to try this app out.
They really do have an app for everything these days! This looks like a lot of fun. My daughter would get a kick out of it. Pop Secret is our favorite brand!
Looks like a fun app. I hate burnt popcorn – it ruins the whole snack experience!
The worse popcorn burn stories are when you are in your office and someone in the vending area burns the popcorn and that smell gets in your hair and nice clothes!
“There is an app for that” is the saying I’m thinking of…. who would of thought, an app for popcorn?? What will they think of next?
Haha, so true!
The thing is that it only takes a couple of seconds to go from fine to entire bag ruined. This app is helpful!
I don’t make microwave popcorn often as we have an air popper but I am loving all the posts I have been reading where folks are using this cute app. Makes me want to try it.
I will have to check out this app. I have been know to burn some popcorn.
Wow, this app sounds awesome. I burn popcorn every time I make it! I cannot wait to use this app and try this out! 🙂
We only eat Pop Secret in our house. What a neat app. I went and took the little quiz.
We don’t have Pop Secret here in Trinidad. 🙁 Next time I am in the States, I gotta try it because I hear great reviews all the time. This app sounds awesome!!
We have never had good luck with microwave popcorn. I could really benefit from this app!
We don’t do popcorn anymore. But my daughter loves to go to Whole Foods to get popcorn. I know Pop Secret used to be a favorite of ours
This is so cool that there’s an app for this! I know I despise burnt popcorn!
That’s so cool that there is an app to prevent burned popcorn. I’ll have to figure out who keeps burning the popcorn in my office and suggest it to them 🙂
Looks so helpful. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been seeing a lot of pop secret around the www and I keep saying I need to download the app but I still hvaen’t gotten around to it. I hate burnt popcorn and we just love pop secret.
That’s a fun app. Someone at work is always burning the popcorn.
I thought this app was so neato! There are not many things my iphone can’t do now!
That is an interesting app. We love snacking on popcorn.
I burn popcorn all the time. I need this!
Burnt popcorn is honestly so gross! I will be getting this app…such a neat idea!
I keep seeing this handy little app! What a clever idea!
I still need to try this app! Maybe we’ll have a movie night tonight.
I think this is such a fun app. I know some people in my old workplace who seriously need this app. 🙂
I always burn the popcorn and the kids hate it, I need this app.
Love the idea! I am super anal about not burning popcorn and am always listening. My husband just throws it in and has no idea why his popcorn always burns!
I love this app. My microwave always burns popcorn. At least it used to.
My home still smells of burned popcorn from awhile back, I have successfully burned popcorn twice in the last few months. No joke. But I recently did this campaign too, and love that app!
I am notorious for burning the popcorn! I love that there is an app for that:)
this app works great. I used it yesterday and had pefect popcorn.
I used to burn popcorn all the time in my apartment in Chicago. That would stink for days!!