As a Mom of 3 that works from home and is also the President of the PTO and who has a huge problem with saying NO, I’m pretty busy. I know, we are ALL busy and that’s why I think you’re going to appreciate Amwell, the nation’s largest telehealth company that connects users with board-certified, licensed doctors for immediate and live, online visits—day or night, on either mobile or desktop.
There’s been a few times that I have needed to get to the doctor myself but have skipped it because I didn’t want to bring 3 kids with me. There’s been times where I’ve had to bring one of my kids to the doctor and been forced to bring the other two with me and cringed hoping that they wouldn’t get sick too in the germ-infested doctor’s office.
Thanks to Amwell, you don’t have to do that anymore! No more bundling up the kids or rushing to a doctor’s office when you feel miserable. Amwell offers the option to talk to a doctor from your computer or right from an app on your phone. Last week, I was feeling sick and just knew that a sinus infection was coming on. Ever since I had my twin girls 6 years ago, I get sinus infections all of the time and the only thing that really knocks it out of my system is a prescription antibiotic. This is my favorite time of year and as you know, it’s also the busiest time of year. I didn’t have the time to actually go see my doctor. So after the kids went to bed, I sat down at my computer and connected with a primary care doctor right away. After going over some background and all my symptoms, we ended the call with her sending a prescription to my pharmacy so I could clear up my sinus infection and get back to our busy schedule of celebrating the holidays!
Convinced to use Amwell, yet? Below are some more reasons why Amwell rocks and will save the day for you.
How many times have you called your doctor’s office to try and get in yet they can’t fit you in for a few days? Or they do tell you to come in, but you sit there for over an hour since they had to fit you in, I don’t have time for that and I’m sure you don’t either! With Amwell, there’s no scheduling appointments and a very minimal wait time in the “virtual waiting room”. You can also be seen anywhere and at anytime. Think late nights, vacations….
Insurance co-pays can be high but with Amwell, you only pay $69 per visit. That’s it. Nothing more. For the convenience, it’s so worth it. My co-pay for my primary doctor is similar and my urgent care co-pay is so much more!
Keep reading for a coupon code!
I love that I can take a look at the background of each doctor I’m going to chat with. You can see how much experience they have, where they are located and even watch a video welcome. You can choose to talk to a doctor for medical, diet and nutrition or psychology services. When I first heard of AmWell, I assumed it was just medical visits so I was thrilled to see that I could speak to a nutritionist or psychologist too.
Doctors can help you with a wide range of symptoms like sinus infections, headaches, weight problems, depression and more.
Just choose the type of visit you are looking for and select a provider. Depending on the issue at hand, the doctor can diagnose, suggest follow up, and prescribe, when appropriate. Amwell takes your privacy very seriously. Your visit with the doctor is secure and HIPAA compliant. Amwell is accepted by many major insurers, with more added every day. Enter your health insurance information for a lower cost visit. Amwell doctor visits are now available in 46 states.
Amwell is perfect for any member of the family. So many times moms don’t take care of themselves and skip going to the doctor. Now, there is NO excuse. Plus, Amwell saves the day for those times when you don’t want to take your sick little one out of bed or spend 45 minutes to get all three kids and myself ready before an appointment to just bring them into a doctor’s waiting room. Now, I can talk to a doctor through my phone or computer…for only $69! Watch the video below to see why Thanks to Amwell and why you will too!
Amwell Coupon Code
Ready to try Amwell yourself? Use the code Amwell25 and get 25% off your $69 urgent care visit! Ready to get started? Check out Amwell today and get back to living your life!
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends.
This sounds like a great service. I would definitely use it if I couldn’t get out of the house to see my actual doctor for some reason.
Oh man this would be so nice! It’s so hard to find the time to go to the doctor. In fact, just this week I had to cancel a doctor’s appointment because of a schedule change with work and the kids school schedules. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been so interested in this new way of seeing a doctor. I think it’s perfect for busy moms!
I am so in love with this idea, as I am reading more and more about Amwell, I really want to learn more and try it out! Thanks for sharing some information!
With everyone’s busy schedules it’s hard to get to the doctor’s office. This is a game changer.
This is seriously one of those times where technology rocks! I love that you can have your kids checked out, or even yourself, from the comfort of your own couch or bed. I like that you can choose the doctor you feel comfortable with as well.
It can be really to get to the doctor with two small kids. I love the option of being able to see a doctor online for some medical issues. It makes things easier.
I am always amazed at the new online services that are introduced. This is one service that would really help me when my kid are sick.
I think this new trend is so convenient. I love it!
What a great concept this is. I think this type of service might come in handy particularly when the weather is bad outside but you need to talk to a doctor about a sick child without having to leave the warmth of your home.
i hear ya. the thought of dragging three kids to the doc for me sounds like a total nightmare. i could totally see myself using this especially in the thick of winter with the heavy snow and cold season.
Changing around the whole families schedule can be difficult, glad that this really work with me and with a busy schedule.