Sleep is an essential part in our everyday lives. We need proper sleep in order for our brain and body to function properly after a long day of working. Lack of sleep will make functioning in society properly a bit hard to do since all you will be thinking about is your bed. Lacking sleep will make one more unproductive and might affect one’s overall performance.
There are certain reasons why people experience lack of sleep. Some experience lack of sleep due to insomnia, which in this case can be addressed using over the counter medicines and remedies to induce sleep. But more often than not, people experience lack of sleep because there are too many distractions in the bedroom.
Hooked on a series
Probably one of the reasons why you experience lack of sleep is because of your new HDTV where you keep on watching your favorite series. Of course since you don’t want to feel cut short when watching a series, you want to continue to watch it and watch it and watch it and before you even realize, it’s already morning and you only have an hour left in order to get ready.
Just one more game
Of course this also applies to video games. Video games have been responsible for cutting people’s sleep short since forever because these video games can really be so addicting, especially the online video games like DotA 2 or LoL. It would seem like one game isn’t enough. Once a game ends, you feel like playing another one and you keep telling yourself “just one more” until you hear your alarm clock ring and you realize that it’s already morning.
Too many outside distractions
There are also a lot of different things that can affect how you sleep. How your room looks, the paint on the walls, the lights as well as your bed. Most people don’t realize this but color can affect the mood of a person unconsciously, this means that if your room is brightly lit as well as the color of your walls are quite loud, it stimulates your brain more than relaxing it therefore you will definitely experience a hard time going to sleep.
This is also the same if your room is full of clutter. There are a lot of stimuli that affect your brain when you see things in disarray. Your brain might tell you to fix this or fix that although your body will disagree and this battle will go on until you eventually fall asleep. A sleep mask is a good idea to shut out all light and in keeping your eyes from wandering.
Stay away from caffeinated drinks during night time
We all know that caffeine stimulates the brain so that we will feel awake. This effect stands regardless of when we drink coffee or soda. Unless you have to pull an all-nighter, drinking caffeinated drinks at night isn’t really recommended since it will definitely keep you awake.
There are a lot of possible reasons why you might find it hard to sleep at night, in order to achieve the right amount of sleep one needs, you must try and find the reason why you can’t sleep and try to address it as soon as possible. The tips provided in the link above can also be very helpful in assisting you to sleep as well.
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