The minute you have children, your whole life changes. You no longer consider what would be best for yourself, as you now have tiny little humans that rely on you. Your perception of the world shifts, and you may begin to consider things that you never even thought you would.
Once you have children, you start thinking about their future, not just yours. Therefore, so many parents start thinking about re-locating as soon as they begin to build their families. Living in the city is fun and exciting, however, there are many benefits to raising your children in a more tranquil place.
If you are still undecided, let us highlight the greatest advantages that come with raising children in the country.
You Can Get More Bang for Your Buck
In the country, you can get more for your money’s worth, in every single way. The houses are cheaper, the produce is fresher, and the overall cost of living is much smaller. Apart from the initial moving costs, living in the country can help you save a lot of money.
In a crowded city like New York, you may not even be able to provide your children with a room of their own. In the country, the same budget can give you much more space for your kids to play.
They Will Appreciate Nature More
Younger generations have become somewhat disconnected from nature. Most kids these days are constantly glued to their screens, and they don’t even know what it’s like to play outside and use their imagination.
Relocating to the countryside is a great way to reignite that spark with nature. Not only this, but research increasingly shows that interacting with nature provides children with greater problem-solving skills, higher levels of creativity and it can even improve their psychological wellbeing.
There Are Lower Crime Rates
Getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city also means getting away from high levels of crime. Densely populated areas are more prone to crime and we’re not just talking about petty theft. Crime in big cities can include gang violence, gun crime, drug-related crimes, and homicide.
The countryside isn’t completely rid of crime; however, it is much less likely. This means it’s a safer environment to raise children and you won’t be afraid to let them roam free as you would be in the big city.
Fewer Allergies and Asthma Diagnoses
Believe it or not, being surrounded by nature can also help reduce the development of allergies and asthma. City kids aren’t subjected to the same quality of air and therefore they are more prone to developing respiratory issues like Asthma.
Children in the countryside are exposed to many different types of pollen and allergens, so their immune system learns how to fight back. This is also known as the “Farm Effect”.
There Is More of a Community Feel
No matter how much a city tries to create a community feel, there are simply too many people for you to know everyone. In smaller towns, people know every single neighbor on the block. This allows you to interact with more people in your area and foster a strong sense of unity.
Living in the city can often feel like every man for himself. Although there are less people in the countryside, there are more people that choose to look out for each other.
Less Exposure to Toxic Advertising
This may seem like an insignificant factor to some, but as children grow up, they become extremely susceptible to advertising. Toxic advertising can be harmful in affecting their development of preferences, a need for stimulation, and a stereotypical notion of gender norms.
In large cities, everywhere you look you can see an advertisement. Fast food, unrealistic beauty standards, and a lack of representation are just a few of the issues with modern advertisements.
Living in the country lets you focus on other things instead, like the beauty of nature and the importance of sustainability. Being away from toxic advertisements and mass marketing allows children to think for themselves and develop their own opinions on social issues.
All in all, location is just one small factor that will affect your children’s life. The most important thing that you should focus on during their upbringing is that they grow up to be happy and self-sufficient. Whether they live, be it in the city or in the country, make sure to give them plenty of love and attention.
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