There are a few major subjects of curriculum that are non negotiable when it comes to testing and what children are going to be expected to know. Although most aspects of social studies will not be on a standardized test, knowing about government, geography, history, and ultimately people is a necessary step to becoming a well rounded citizen.
Government Systems
There are three main branches of government in the United States. They are the executive, judicial and legislative branches. Learning and understanding the why and how of government can be a big undertaking for an elementary student. However, this social studies activity makes learning about the government fun and easy to understand.
It is so important for children to learn about how their own government works. One of the best ways to learn is to do. Acting out through role play is a great way to solidify the individual roles of each branch. Acting out will also help the students retain the information they learn. Once roles have been assigned it is also fun to have the students come up with laws they would like to pass. More details about how to do this activity in your classroom can be found at this link along with other social studies activities.
The Oregon Trail
The Oregon trail is an important piece of U.S. history. You would be hard pressed to find a grown student who has not played the game Oregon trail on the computer or did not cover a unit of the Oregon trail in elementary social studies class.
The Oregon trail is a great opportunity to teach about maps. How maps are made and how to use maps is becoming a less common part of curriculum, but should not be overlooked. An Oregon trail activity could double as a map activity as you study the routes that were taken to develop the west. You could give each child a map print out and have them mark the trail that Lewis and Clark traveled on the Oregon trail.
Packing a covered wagon is another fun social studies activity that has to do with the Oregon trail. You could print off a picture of an empty wagon and have an item list on the side. Students could be challenged with financial and weight restrictions as they narrow down which items are the most important for the journey to the west.
Community Book
Before trying to teach children about different communities throughout their country and throughout the world it is important for students to have an understanding of their own community. Learning what makes a community function is a key piece of understanding the people in that community.
Have children make a list of the geographical surroundings of their community. Have them list the climate with suggestions for average temperatures during each season, amount of precipitation, etc. Even things as small as the elevation and how people use transportation will greatly affect how people will live.
Making a community book adds an artistic and creative element to social studies activities. You could allow each child to make their own book, or assign each child one page to draw and color themselves and then compile a classroom book of the community. Once that is done, you can go ahead and explore other communities and what makes them different as well as how they are the same.
Fun and Learning
Social studies has a stigma for being a boring topic that most kids are not interested in. Making learning about social studies fun through social studies activities will most likely be the only way that students will engage and retain information on this subject. Knowing about how and why our country and its citizens are the way they are will lead to a more compassionate generation.
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