I’m so excited to be teaming up with some fabulous blogs for a charity event we will be hosting on our blogs. The following has been written by Emily from Family and Life in Las Vegas!
A while back I was watching 20/20 and I found myself watching a story that I couldn’t walk away from.
Have you heard of Embrace Infant Warmers?
This occurs primarily in developing countries, often in areas that don’t have access to innovations in modern medicine. One of the biggest problems these babies face is hypothermia: they are not able to regulate their own body temperature, and therefore cannot stay warm. In fact, room temperature for these small infants feels freezing cold. 4 million babies die within their first month of life. Those that do survive often develop life-long health problems such as early onset of diabetes, heart disease, and low IQ.
A traditional infant incubator can cost as much as $20,000 in the United States, putting this essential, life-saving machine out of reach for many of the world’s poor. But at just around $200, an Embrace costs less than 1 percent of that.
Heat the phase-change pouch using the electric heater or the non-electric heating unit with hot water. Within 20 minutes, the pouch will heat up to 37C (98.6F), a temperature critical to a child’s survival.
Place the heated pouch into the sleeping bag warmer and lay the baby inside. The pouch can be reheated hundreds of times. An indicator shows when it needs to be reheated.
The pouch will remain between 37-35C for at least four hours. The phase-change material will absorb heat from the baby if the baby gets too hot, or release heat if the baby gets too cold.
You can see the 20/20 story here – but please grab a tissue before you watch.
As a mother, I instantly connected with this statistic. I broke my heart that even one child is lost due to something so entirely preventable as maintaining body temperature.
And while my child is only 2, they mother-side of me also felt extremely proud of these students who took a COLLEGE PROJECT and turned it into something that will save lives of so many. I can only imagine how proud their parents are of them!
I knew I had to get involved. I knew I wanted to help. After much soul searching and thought, I decided to harness the incredible power of social media and create the SPREAD THE WARMTH event benefiting Embrace Infant Warmers.
Spread the warmth is going to be an awesome charity giveaway and fundraising event with all proceeds to be donated to Embrace Infant Warmers. The giveaway portion event will run October 30th – November 13th. To gain entry into the giveaway, people will donate in $5 increments. ($5 = 1 entry, $10 = 2 entries, $20 = 4 entries…)
From now until October 28th we will be accepting products for the giveaway. (We already have 2 fabulous companies who have already pledged donations for this amazing giveaway! Thank you ERGObaby and Paper Coterie
During the month of November Family and Life in Las Vegas and other bloggers will be offering charity ad space on our blogs with all proceeds going to Embrace Infant Warmers.
Grab the button to post it on your blog. If you feel so inclined, blog about this event.
Please join our team to help ask companies you have worked with in the past for the giveaway event. (All bloggers who participate will have their logo hosted on Sippy Cup Mom during the month of November as my way of saying Thank You!)
Consider offering ad space on your blog for the month of November with all proceeds to be donated to EmbraceGlobal.org.
If you are a company, or own a company, consider donating product to the giveaway event. All companies involved will be included in a special giveaway spotlight post to be placed on all blogs who are helping in the Spread the Warmth Event.
Come back on October 30th to donate in increments of $5 and enter this awesome giveaway!
Bloggers who have already joined in this awesome Charity Event:
1. Family and Life in Las Vegas
3. The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom
4. Mommy Head Adventures
Won’t you consider joining in this awesome event?
Together we CAN make a difference saving the tiniest of little lives!
This is a problem even in Cape Town. Five babies died because of faulty incubators/human error due to the faulty machines. A few of the babies died due to burns from hot water bottles used by nurses trying to keep them warm. These infant warmers should be in hospitals for emergencies, even in cities where you would think would have the resources! Thanks for supporting this.
Thanks for posting mama! So happy to have you on board!! 😉
EDIT – They just told me today the cost is closer to $200 not $100 – I am sorry for that typo!