Welcome to the first ever Stalker Saturday from The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom! and The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man!
We all have to start small. Stalker Saturdays was created to help the little blogs that we stalk to gain new followers. These are blogs that we find interesting, hilarious, touching, crazy…but they need a little help being pushed into the limelight!
All that we ask is that you visit the stalked blogger and check their blog out (you might even say that you’re stalking it!). If you become a new follower of theirs, let them know you’re following them from Stalker Saturdays!
Interested in being stalked? Do you ever feel like someone’s watching you…? Contact either Sippy Cup Mom or Goober Monkey and let them know…and we might stalk you next!
For our first week we knew we had to pick someone special. Big Mama Cass is that special someone! She’s not only a riot, she is adorable beyond belief and she takes AMAZING pictures! And really, how can you not love someone who wants you to call her “Doosh”? Her blogging style is witty and fresh, and you’ll leave her little slice of the internet smiling.
Now, go on and stalk her!
Now, go on and stalk her!
Conversations With Monk 3.5
I love the conversations I have with my child. He is a loon. Must get it from his {ahem} father. 🙂
Ok so to be honest… I find it comical that as a parent, I walk around the house all day with a miniature version of myself. A miniature barker of commands. A miniature commander of attention. A miniature attention hog. A royal pain in the butt. That last one is from his father.
How can you not laugh at his madness?
The other day while we were playing around on the bed, I started to get up. Being that I am a big girl, it is a little more work than it used to be.
So as I started to get up I said “Oh crimeiny!”
Monk: “Christ!”
Tank: {giggle}
Mama: “No, Monk. I said crimeiny not christ!” flashing Tank a look “Geeeeez!”
Monk “Geeezus”
Mama: “Nooo I said Geeez not Jesus!” {rolling my eyes}
Meanwhile Tank is sitting there in stitches.
Monk: “sticker?”
Mama: “No honey. Eat your lunch.”
Mama: “No.” {eyeroll}
Monk: “No sticker wite now. Qwwit whining!”
Mama: {blink}
Monk: Jumping up and down like a mad man on the couch even though he knows its not allowed.
Mama: “Monk?”
Monk: “Git down now!”
Mama: “Yes. Get down.”
Mama: “Look Monk! A bulldozer! ”
Monkey: “umm… no dats a backhoe”
Mama: “I stand corrected”
Monk: “Daisy get down!”
Mama: “….”
Monk: “I’m seeweeus!”
Mama: quietly to myself “I have created a monster.” {sigh}
Jazz: “bark bark!!” “ruff ruff!”
Monk: “HEY! Beee quiet peez!”
Mama: {snicker}
Monk: “Awww crap!”
Mama: “James, don’t say that.”
Monk: “Awww crap Mama.” pointing to the tv
Mama: “ohh.. crabbbb … Buh Buh Buh craB”
Monk: “Crap”
Mama: {sigh} “ok I ‘spose that will work.”
Monk: <screeeeeech!!!>
Monk: “mommmmaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!”
Mama: “what monkey?! are you ok?!
Monk: “spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!” pointing the other other side of the kitchen, holding one leg up as if to avoid it.
–Sidenote: Dude! It was the smallest spider ever! OMG he is so totally his mothers son.–
Mama: <eyeroll>
Kids. {snicker}
What are some conversations you have had with your Monkey lately?
WATCH OUT! You may be the next blog to be stalked!
Sweeet! WOOHOO! 🙂
Just discovered Big Mama Cass this last week! You are right – she is totally worth stalking! 🙂 I'll head over & leave some love.
I'm follow you now, please follow back at https://beonefineday.blogspot.com/
I love this idea! Feel free to stalk me….www.meanttobemom.com; in the meantime, I became a follower and will head over to Big Mama Cass right now!
Hi there, I noticed you entered a giveaway for The Vintage Pearl Hand Stamped Jewelry. I have a giveaway for them right now too for a $50 gift certificate, Would Love for you to come by and enter to win
Yeah, I need to get stalked. And I need that button. And you guys are so cool and I suck. I mean, best button ever.
Also, great photos. I'm jealous.