If you’re planning on going on holiday in the summer, it’s definitely not too late to start saving up for it. You have six months in which to do it, or a bit longer if you choose to go in the middle of summer or so. Here are some tips for you.
Save a Percentage of Your Earnings
Work out how much the holiday you want to go on will roughly cost, along with other expenses. Calculate how much you will need to save every week or month to reach your target. Then put a certain percentage of your earnings aside every week/month for that.
Spend Less
Cut back on your spending, whether it’s on food, drinks, magazines, subscriptions, going out, getting takeaways, etc. It doesn’t have to be drastic, but enough to see the difference it’s making towards growing your holiday savings.
Work Extra Hours
If you’re employed, ask if you can work extra shifts for a while. Alternatively or additionally, you could look for some evening or weekend work.
If you’re self-employed/freelance, look for new clients. Contact clients you haven’t heard from in a while or clients you did some work for a long time ago. If it’s a client you haven’t been in touch with for a really, really long time, click here to check if their email address is actually still live.
If you’ve never worked online, explore that. You might be able to secure some online work from home.
Sell What You Can Do Without
Look around your house/flat/room and give thought to what you can sell – CDs, DVDs, books, videos, magazines, clothes, jewellery, the spare TV/computer/laptop/smartphone, etc. You create space and make some money. It’s a win-win situation.
Use Vouchers/Loyalty Cards
Any money-off vouchers you come across, use them. Whatever it’s saving you is the money you would have spent.
You likely already have a loyalty card, such as a Nectar card, Tesco Clubcard, Boots Advantage card, etc. If you don’t, look at signing up for a couple
Start using them religiously, for every shop. For every shop you have to make, if there are points to be had, have it! It all adds up in terms of money off a shop every now and then.
For any money you could have spent, you could save it in a holiday piggybank. So say you have 500 nectar points which entitles you to £2.50 off your shop, as well as getting money off that shop, you could look for £2.50 somewhere and put it in your holiday kitty. Do the same for a voucher – if it’s a £1.00-off voucher, place £1.00 in the kitty.
You can either start saving what you can now, then when it gets closer to summer, check to see the various destinations you can afford with what you’ve saved. Or you can pick a destination now and start saving towards it. Either way, you’re going on holiday, if you have anything to do with it!
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