Most of the time, advice regarding health can be simply put by old behaviors, such as getting good sleep, exercising, and making sure your diet is balanced.
However, the way things are in the world today means that these types of actions are especially important when it comes to keeping up with both your mental and physical well-being. The thing is, social distancing can complicate things a bit. How do you maintain a proper diet when the majority of your food is non-perishable items? How do you get in your exercise when you can’t hit the gym? How do you get good sleep when everything is making you worry?
To help with these things, we’ve put together a few tips.
Sleep and Stress
Managing things like anxiety and stress are critical for anyone who wants to get a good night’s sleep – and that good sleep is absolutely crucial for nearly every other aspect of good health. Meditation and yoga are great ways to manage stress, and you can do them in small spaces. Check to find out if your local meditation or yoga studio is streaming online meditation classes. Many of them are these days, and thousands of people are finding relief through them. If you do this, it can be helpful to find a space in your home that’s free of all tech except for maybe a bit of soothing music. This can help calm and distance you from everything going on.
When it comes to eating healthier, you need to have a plan in place before you head out to the grocery store. This serves two purposes. First, you get what you need, and second, you won’t be panic buying. Most people might go for things like canned goods and grains, but you should actually buy produce. You can cut up fruits and veggies and store them in your freezer for months.
Believe it or not, you can still get fit at home when you can’t get to the gym. You can ride a bike, run, or walk outside, just as long as you follow local guidelines. Also, quite a few fitness centers and gyms are currently offering online classes. Use things you already have if you don’t have any fitness equipment. Wine bottles can be weights, sturdy chairs can be used for step-ups, etc. Home workouts will help you reach your fitness goals.
This is something that’s paramount right now, so get your cleaning hit list ready. Certain germs can live on stainless steel and plastic surfaces for as long as 72 hours, cardboard materials for an entire day, and even copper for up to 4 hours. While this might not be the first way they spread, it doesn’t hurt to keep high-touch items wiped down in addition to your normal house cleaning. Other tips include removing shoes and jackets as soon as you come in from the outdoors and washing hand towels more frequently. All of that being said, unless someone in your home is actively ill, obsessive cleaning really isn’t a necessity. Just be conscious about making sure everything is clean and wiped down.
Finally, just be cautious. Nowadays, medical visits that aren’t considered essential might be postponed – such as dental cleanings and annual physicals. Other appointments might be held over the phone or even online. Of course, if there’s an emergency, seek the help you need, but you might want to call the doctor or hospital before going in case they’ve implemented special procedures for people to follow.
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