When I found out I was pregnant with my son back in 2007 I was over the moon excited! I’ve always wanted to be a Mom and I immediately went out and bought a ton of books and dreaming about baby all of the time.
The one thing I didn’t do was take belly shots. I would read about it on different baby message boards and in my baby books on how it was such a fun way to document your pregnancy but I just couldn’t do it. I was already overweight and didn’t feel confident in the way I looked. Throughout my whole pregnancy I kept thinking there is no way that I even look pregnant so I didn’t want pictures taken of myself and it’s one thing that I really regret.
Once, about 2 months before I was due with my son, I was shopping in Babies R Us and got asked if I wanted to do a free maternity picture. I was happy that “Yay! I looked pregnant and not just overweight” but I was still hesitant to get it. Looking back, I’m glad I did because I think it’s a beautiful shot.
Going through the rest of my pictures from when I was pregnant with my son, I could only find one other picture that has my growing belly and it’s not even a side profile shot.
Growing a baby in your belly seems like a magical thing and I regret that I didn’t take monthly pictures of myself with my son – and it was all because I was self conscious of how I looked and thinking I didn’t actually look pregnant. I really wish I had documented that special time in my life!
When I found out I was pregnant with twins, part of me hesitated to do the monthly belly shots again because I didn’t want this pregnancy to have something that my son’s didn’t. Eventually I decided to go ahead and do it and I have to say, I’m glad I did! It’s been fun watching my belly grow over these past 9 months while carrying the twins.
I know that plus size pregnant women aren’t the only ones hesitant to get their pictures taken during pregnancy. Our bodies are drastically changing but they are doing an amazing thing – carrying new life!
If I can give any advice to someone who is pregnant, it’s to document your growing belly! You won’t regret it!
Cutie patootie! I didn’t take a series of shots like you did, but I wish I had because this is so fun!
You’re too sweet!
I didn’t and wish I did. YOU ARE ADORABLE!
I took them once every 4 weeks. Looking back, I’m so glad I did! I also wore a very similar outfit each time (same shirt throughout the whole pregnancy) so I could see the changes!
I wish I would have thought to wear a similar outfit, that would have been fun!
What a wonderful way to document your pregnancy! You look gorgeous too! How fun!
I did take some belly pics but not until the middle of my pregnancy. I was overweight when I got pregnant too, and I didn’t feel that I LOOKED pregnant for a while. I think the first ones I did were around 28 weeks.
I so wish I would have done this!!
I loved following your posts and seeing your belly shots. You looked great in all of them, much better than I would if I were pregnant with twins!
Your belly shots of your pregnancy are so cute! I will definitely have to do this when I get pregnant. I think it is so neat to be able to show your child these pictures.
i have not been pregnant yet, but will probably take some belly shots when i am.
yes i did! loved it
I’m so glad you decided to do it this time so you have no regrets.I think we can all feel that way in pictures at some point. You look great Momma!
I wish I did this!!! What a cute idea.
You look fantastic! Even back in the day, 30 years ago, I took belly shots of my pregnancies! My daughter took a belly shot just about every month to show her growth. You’ll love these pictures down the road!
I did it only during my twin pregnancy also! My previous 3 pregnancies (singletons) I did not 🙁
This is just what i needed to read! I am currently 9 weeks but look like i am 9 months! I was dreading the Belly shot dilema but I loved this post also a few of your others. Go girl x