We are full on into the Terrible Two’s. In fact, it’s like a freight train hit us! We will usually have a tantrum a day. And it’s over the usual stuff of course. Turning off the TV, he can’t get a toy to work right, the dog tries to lick him….
But the other day, I witnessed the biggest “Terrible Two Tantrum” I had ever seen. OMG. I only wish my husband had been home to witness it with me.
It was close to snack time so I went into the kitchen and asked Hayden if he wanted a snack. He said “Yes!”. I asked if he wanted crackers. Another “Yes!”. He usually eats wheat crackers or graham crackers, but I had a bag of animal crackers I thought I’d try. So I come out of the kitchen holding the bag of animal crackers. Hayden was waiting patiently in the hallway, but as soon as he saw me holding that bag he started shaking his head and saying “No! No! No! No!”. I told him that he needed to try them! He didn’t even know what they tasted like. They were yummy!! :makes yummy noises:: I went and sat on the couch while Hayden stayed in the hallway.
He collapsed on the ground. Tears. Screaming. Red face. Banging his fists on the ground. (I thought that was only in movies and books?) More Tears.
(Is it bad that I kinda wanted to get out the camera and film him?)
I decided to wait out the tantrum. Leaned back on the couch and munched on the animal crackers myself! When leaning back on the couch I couldn’t see Hayden. I saw his little head pop into the living room to see me. Oh yes, I was still here. There was a moment of quiet and then he ran into the living room.
Collapse. Right in front of me. Tears. Screaming. More fist banging. That cute little face looking up at me.
All this over animal crackers? I wanted to cave. Oh, how I wanted to cave.
But I just told him, “Hayden, these are animal crackers! They are so yummy! They’re different from your regular crackers! They’re better! Shaped like animals!” I took another bite of one and he stopped crying. Looked up at me and grabbed a cracker. Popped it in his mouth and then looked at me and said “Yum! Yum! Yum”.
So, how do you handle tantrums?
*So, I went through all my pictures trying to see if I actually had a picture of him in a tantrum. Nope. So here is this cuteness picture of him so you all can see how I have to say no to this face! Strawberry covered and all!
Following you back! Have a great day! Glad you enjoy my blog.
When my kids threw tantrums nothing made them madder than for me to ignore them…honestly I think we handled each kid differently. The oldest is almost 10 and still has tantrums. If we laugh at her she cries for hours, while my son just gets angry. But sometimes laughing is the only way I can stay sane.
Ha! Payton does the same thing. He did it today too over a little smokie (we call them weenies haha) but he asked for one so I told him to go ask daddy since doug was by the fridge. I went to go to the bathroom, heard doug say "oh no i dont think these are good lets go ask mommy" so they came to find me. I walked out of the bathroom and looked and they were bad, so i said sorry payton they are no good we will have to go get more. AND payton threw himself on the floor screaming and crying NO NO NO WEENIE WEENIE! I had to run to the store with him to get him some. haha. normaly we do the same thing just let him cry and when hes done we will talk and if he wants something else we will get it for him if hes done crying. Oh the terrible twos have to love them!
Oh, I've taken pics of the tantrums! I swear my son can cry on demand; he'll make a great actor someday. We ignore the tantrums now, walk away, and if he follows, we whisper to him so he has to stop so he can hear us. It's worked so far.
Hang in there…I feel your pain!
I feel so bad that you have to deal with those horrible tantrums, but you're story was pretty funny : ) I can only laugh because I don't have children yet. One day I'll know exactly how hard this must be!
Oh man, I feel like I'm reading about my future! My kid has only had one tantrum so far, and we just laughed at him until he was done. I don't know what I'll do when they're on a daily basis!
Natalie-The whispering is a good idea! I'll have to try that!
Funky Mama Bird–I look forward to your posts on that! 🙂
thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours! I am so dreading the terrible twos!!!! that picture is adorable!
Honestly, I just love the way you acted already. And animal crackers are delicious – go you!