If you have a tiny living space, it is always fun to be able to fit into that limited space all the essentials that you need as well as a few extras. The Murphy Bed was designed to provide anyone with a comfortable sleep in a full-sized bed no matter how limited the floor space was. Even with a tiny home, you need a comfortable place to sleep in and there is no better sleeping space than an actual bed. But since beds are huge and take up so much space, those who live with just enough space will find it less attractive to get a bed. Thankfully, the Murphy bed was invented and the rest as they say is history. With a seemingly easy contraption, the Murphy bed was designed to be lowered when used and then raised right up if it was not in use. Usually, the bed goes into a cabinet or a case in the wall to disguise that it was a bed, and people loved the idea and which is why the wall bed or cabinet bed became very popular especially with the younger crowd. On the other hand, the bed also became infamous when people started building it with several new improvements and which made making the bed so expensive that no one would buy it. Nowadays, people are all about value for money, and even if there is a need for a Murphy bed, the exorbitant prices are enough to keep people away from it. However, there are many advantages that a Murphy bed owner could enjoy, as long as they get those that cost less and are easier to set-up. So what benefits do owners get from a Murphy bed?
Using A Murphy Bed
The obvious reason to use a Murphy Bed is the limited space that a room or an apartment has, and there is no other way to squeeze in a sleeping quarter into the room itself. Nowadays, building regulations have specified the minimum floor space that a room or an apartment should have and it is a bit more generous than it was years ago. Moreover, there are many options to choose from and if you could afford a slightly bigger place, then there is not much motivation to get a Murphy bed. However, for those who have to contend with limited space, the Murphy bed is the answer to their problems and much more. For one, using a Murphy bed means that you get a real bed to sleep in, despite having to be lowered or pulled up, it still is a good-sized bed, with ample mattresses and you can sleep in it comfortably throughout the night or day. Hammocks, folding mattresses and even sleeping on the floor will never give you that satisfaction and restful sleep like a real bed does. When you use a Murphy bed, you are supporting local furniture manufacturers and artisans who continuously work to ensure that you get sturdy and durable beds to sleep in. You are contributing to their livelihood and in this time of uncertainty, it is always a good thing to be able to give back to the community. Using a Murphy bed also means that you have a fairly good understanding of the concept of space and how you can enhance a small space so that you will have a comfortable home to live in, which you can share with friends and family and maybe advocate for living in tiny spaces to conserve energy and power. Whatever the reason is, using a Murphy bed is good for the environment and good for the soul.
The Benefits of Having A Murphy Bed
Although some people believe that you can outgrow a Murphy Bed, it is not always true or accurate, for one, a bed whatever its design maybe is still a bed and can be used as such. If you no longer need a Murphy bed, you can always convert it into a bed and it would still be able to provide you with restful sleep. So, even if people think it is unnecessary to get a hanging bed, you might want to think about how it can figure into your life if you happen to move to a larger space, and you will realize that there are more advantages to owning a Murphy bed. A gleeful advantage in having a Murphy bed is that you can use it as a spare bed for any guests that you may have in the future. You can always keep it up within its case or cabinet and none will be the wiser that it is not a real cabinet but rather a bed. You need not worry about having people over your home for a sleepover or a late-night party since you have a great space to offer to them. Also, when you have a Murphy bed, it is a great conversation piece and people who have not seen one or are wondering about getting one will be able to see it in action and how it is used, and hopefully will order it afterward.
Ordering Murphy Beds
Many manufacturers nowadays have made it their mission to bring back the Murphy bed into circulation and more and more customers are ordering it. Since anything can be bought online now, Murphy beds are not an exception despite weighing a lot and having to be shipped in separate boxes. If you want to order a Murphy bed, the best way to do it is to go online and find a store that sells and specializes in it. At this age and time, everything is highly specialized, so there is no sense in getting a Murphy bed from a generic furniture store. Explore and research more on your choices and then probably settle on that one design that speaks to you. Getting a Murphy bed takes commitment, with prices that range from eight hundred to two thousand dollars, this is not something you buy and then just forget about. After choosing your design and ordering it, then you just need to wait for it to be delivered to your door so you can begin assembling it.
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