Once my son started becoming more active with crawling and walking, we started making sure that we had everything in our house baby-proofed. We covered our outlets with safety plugs and made sure to have all of our heavy furniture attached to the walls – which also included our television.
In a 2011 report, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) revealed that a child is killed every three weeks from TV instability, and that an estimated 20,000 people are treated in the ER every year due to injuries from tipping TVs. Alarmingly, the issue is growing; This same report indicated that injuries from TV tip-overs have increased 25% from 2006-2010.
Here are the scary statistics:
- A child is killed every three weeks from TV instability.
- 176 deaths were reported from 2000-2010 due to tipping TVs; 96% of these fatalities were children 10 years or younger.
- 16 deaths were reported from tipping TVs in 2010.
- There were approximately 89,800 emergency room visits related to TV tip-overs from 2006-2010.
- 71% of tip-over related injuries happen to children 10 years old and younger.
- There were an estimated 20,000 TV tip-over injuries in 2010.
- Tip-over-related injuries grew by 25% from 2006-2010
Now that Hayden is 4 years old and even more active in the house, there are many times that he has knocked into our television and because it’s mounted, it hasn’t budged. But flat panels today are so thin and can easily tip over at the slightest bump or nudge, causing them to topple off furniture, potentially causing injury or even death.
I think a lot of people overlook this hidden danger because so many times I see televisions not attached to the wall in a house with children around. It’s so easy to fix this problem!
Mounting your flat-panel TV is the safest and most secure way to avoid injury. Most wall mounts can be installed in a few steps with common household tools, such as a stud finder to locate studs in the wall (where the mount will secure to), a drill and a screwdriver.
For more information you can visit TVsafety.org, a consumer awareness website that was created to educate the public on this growing danger and present safe solutions to protect families. Their goal is to help reduce TV-related injuries and create a safe environment for all to enjoy!
You can also connect with TVsafety on Facebook!
One Sippy Cup Mom reader is going to win a Sanus TV Mount for their flat screen tv (valued at $100-$150).
Disclosure: I was compensated for the above post. All thoughts and opinions are my own
We keep our home safe by using baby gates for my son.
We keep sharp items away, light sockets covered and baby gates
i keep my home childproof which makes things safer
We try to stay up on all the new products to keep our home safe! Gates, socket plugs, etc.
mainly use outlet plugs(just too dangerous) & babygates, otherwise we try to teach our kids safety without using products. You can’t visit every house that is baby-safe… They need to start learning to be safe without all the “safety products”. However I really think the TV mount is a must have. It’s way too easy for it to tip and hurt someone.
keep sockets covered & chemicals in locked cabinets
Keep chemicals locked away
We keep all of the electrical outlets plugged so that little fingers can’t get in them!!
We have one of our TV’s mounted and a door alarm that rings every time someone open the door!
Checking the batteries of fire alarms and to make sure to keep flashlights and fire extinguishers handy!
childproof the home
all chemicals are stored and locked up so the kids will not be able to get to them—– Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Chemicals are kept locked up
I have safety handles on the front door to keep my toddler from escaping! 🙂
We have door knob covers, cabinet locks, and outlet covers.
we have cabinet locks on our important ones that we want little hands out of, as well as outlet covers.
I put child locks on the cabinets and doors. I keep it clean and tidy.
Put breakables high away for little kids to get.
We actually bought a taller tv stand so our kids couldn’t reach it but doesn’t work too well. We always keep breakables up high!
light sockets covered, drawer and door latches tvs are mounted to the wall ..I keep the doors locked at all times and the yard is completely fenced in with gates always closed.
Lock the doors, put away anything toxic far out of reach from the little ones, have a fenced in yard.
My husband always check the smoke detectors, make sure the doors are locked, and the child locks for the kids.
Thanks for the chance!
We babyproof and also have safety gates. Staying in close vicinity of our children at all times.
I’m a mom, there so many ways I keep my house safe!!! Everything is baby-proofed, heavy shelves and appliances tethered to walls, monitors and alarms, etc.
We try to keep our home safe by keeping the knives up high and teaching our kids basic safety rules. Our TV is tethered to wall as well.
I only use outlet covers. It has been my experience that the more child proofing you do the more kids want to get into what you’re trying to hide.
I keep things is it’s place and keep an eye out for electrical plugs
We are adament about keeping up to date on all safety of our home
I remember tipping a tv when I was small it’s very important to keep them out o reach
Use as many proofing products as I can find/afford belensmama@gmail.com
We have outlet covers and baby gates for our son.
We constantly struggle with safety, our toddler is very active and it looks like our infant might crawl at only 5 months! I would love the tv mount to keep the tv out of our kids reach! I worry it will fall on them, I know it’s a thin tv and all, but they’re little guys!
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After all, if you’re the parent of a teen, you deserve every break you can get.