Everyone knows that a handbag is a real treasure in which you can find everything that comes to mind, from a screwdriver to children’s toys. It is clear that the content depends on the specific occupation of a particular madam. But nobody cancelled the rules of decency. And if a girl/woman starts to turn the contents out of the bag for 5 minutes in order to find the banal keys to the apartment or lipstick, it looks completely unfeminine.
Therefore, many are interested, but still, what should be in every girl’s bag? And what things should be shifted into bags or string bags.
How to pack a bag for every day
Let’s start with a standard set, without which no lady will leave the house today. This list includes the following items:
- keys;
- telephone;
- the documents.
Someone may ask about plastic cards, business cards and money. Yes, without these items anywhere. But modern phones are quite capable of making payments without the presence of a huge stack of plastic cards. Carrying payment attributes with you today is considered by no means fashionable. If you have not yet figured out how to make payments using phones, then we advise you to hurry: it is very convenient, it saves you a lot of time and space in your bag. Moreover, discount cards can also be freely entered into certain applications on the phone, and then, at the request of the seller, you can easily punch the code right at the checkout. No problem.
Today it is recommended to carry cash and documents (passport and driver’s license) in a small wallet, which also takes up a minimum of space. It is also convenient that documents are easy to find in the wallet, and they wear out less, as they do not fidget around the entire volume of the bag.
Next, let’s move on to cosmetics. Here the list depends solely on the girl and what she likes to draw for herself. Maybe someone even goes to work without makeup. But we decided to write the maximum standard set, which can be useful if you left for work or classes in the morning and will be home only in the evening. Let’s write here:
- lipstick
- powder;
- pocket mirror with a comb;
- pencil;
- ink;
- moisturizing cream;
- sanitiser from dr. bronner
- a small bottle of perfume.
From the standard basic set – that’s all. Further, each madam complements her handbag, depending on her preferences.
By the way, in order not to carry the entire set with you, you can have a spare strategic set of cosmetics at work. There can be a lot of reasons to put on makeup: a chance meeting with a pleasant young man, an old acquaintance or a good friend, coffee with a classmate, even a date with a former boyfriend. You won’t go to all these events with makeup smeared after a nervous day at work?
What else might be useful:
wet wipes. Without them, the modern lady cannot imagine her existence, just as earlier ladies could not live without handkerchiefs. There are just a lot of situations where these hygiene products are needed: someone stepped on your foot and stained your shoes, mayonnaise dripped from a salad on your dress, you urgently need to wipe your hands from sweet coffee;
personal hygiene products for women. Just throwing these wonderful things into a bag is prohibited. After all, by chance, someone can see your treasures, which is not very good. It is better to buy a special box for such things, a miniature cosmetic purse, or just save a small box of sweets. Looks great and is inexpensive;
elastic band or hairpin. If it suddenly rains and your hair starts sticking out in different directions, you can quickly fix the problem with an elastic band. Also, the gum will help you out in case of an unplanned visit to the gym;
Whatever the woman’s handbag and its contents would be, we recommend that you write down contact details on a separate sheet in case of emergency and put it in your wallet or in a separate pocket.
- mint candies. You cannot predict what you will eat and who you will meet. Just in case, keep mints or chewing gum in your purse to freshen your breath;
- face cream. If you often stay overnight away from home, then it is better to have a small tube of face cream with you in the car or in your bag. First, it will help you remove makeup. Secondly, you do not have to interrupt facial care, even if you are sleeping somewhere far from home;
- nail file. Today, problems with nails occur less and less. Modern technologies allow you to wear a perfect manicure regularly without problems. But when the “shelf life” of the nails is exhausted, you still have to file something. Therefore, a miniature nail file, maybe even made on cardboard, following the example of those given out in hotels or aeroplanes, will come in handy;
- phone charger. It is also recommended to take it to those ladies whooften, out of necessity or simply at will, are forced to spend the night away from home;
- umbrella. This thing also often comes in handy, especially if you have to travel to work, not by car, but, say, by subway. Today in big cities there is such traffic that it is much easier to move to a public place than in private transport. But then you can’t do without an umbrella in your purse, since the rain can catch you at any time. The forecast is, of course, good, but it is not always possible to trust weather forecasters 100%.
- notepad and pen. Often there is a situation when you need to quickly write down someone’s phone number, address, or a sudden idea. A miniature notepad and pen do not take up much space and can be extremely useful. But supporters of modern technologies can do this in a special mobile application.
What should be in a woman’s handbag in spring and summer
Tights are a must for spring or summer. After all, it is possible to break this female toiletry item in the most ridiculous situations, for example, with a broken fingernail or pen. Therefore, a backup option is not just necessary, but mandatory.
In the summer, you can not leave the house without beautiful glasses. After all, the sun shines so brightly that many people even stop seeing clearly in front of them. In addition, you can also put a small napkin for wiping glasses in your purse. It will also come in handy if you need to clean your phone screen.
During the period of viruses and sores, an alcohol-based antiseptic must be present in the bag. Otherwise, you doom your health and the well-being of people close to you and relatives to risk.
In the warm season, a girl should always have deodorant in her bag. Without it, you should not meddle in public places. They say that ladies sweat less than men – it’s true. But still, if it’s hot outside, the smell will not be particularly pleasant.
In summer, it is recommended to carry a patch on your feet. Many young people have forgotten that without this means of salvation, not a single girl went out for a walk before. After all, beautiful shoes with heels are always calluses and rubbed feet. Today, young girls prefer comfortable sneakers or summer moccasins to uncomfortable stiletto sandals that don’t bleed their feet. But new shoes can still cause a couple of blisters. Therefore, you still need to put at least one patch in your bag.
During the warm season, a changeable pair of shoes should be in the woman’s handbag. This saves those who are used to going to work in all their glory, but they have to move around the city either by public transport or the metro. Stiletto sandals are beautiful, but riding in such shoes in those places where everyone strives to knock you down is not possible. Women are saved in this case with simple slippers or moccasins. I put on something comfortable for public transport, drove to work, changed my shoes and went to the office as a model.
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